Chapter 17- Shanks For The Memories (1/2)

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In the first class compartment, Heather and Alejandro were inside, looking at the camera toward the viewers. "Last time, on Total Drama: Around the World, some of our competitors took a Spain-Ful trip to Madrid, Spain, get it, Spain-Ful?" Alejandro asked as he laughed a little before continuing to explain to the viewers. "Anyways, tensions were starting to rise between different groups of the contestants after Emma agreed to join Julia's alliance, while dragging along Mateo too."

"And in a strange twist, some old foes came back to participate in the competition and joined Julia's alliance, allowing them to even up Silas and Bowie's alliance. But, Julia's alliance was shortened by one member thanks to his ignorance, and by a secret vote from one of his teammates." Heather explained. "And just like that, Vincent was the next one to get the boot, well, more than once if you were counting the bull."

"Meanwhile, Mateo came to realize that his relationship with Emma isn't all that it was meant to be, as he plans to break up with her and confess to Silas, but decided it would be best to put their feelings aside and focus on the challenge in order to help their alliances." Alejandro explained.

"Honestly, I think that might've been smart." Heather said as she was impressed before turning back to the viewers. "With eleven players left in the game, who will be next to slam their chances at becoming a millionaire? Find out now, on Total...Drama...AROUND THE WORLD!!!!"


On the plane as it was in flight, Mateo was in first class with Julia, Nichelle, Emma and Cindy as they all volunteered to go with Mateo into First Class, even though Mateo could only choose one person to take with him after he won the last challenge. But, Heather and Alejandro were kind enough to let all of them go into first class.

Right now, Emma, Julia and Cindy were sitting together talking themselves over some scones they were eating, while Nichelle sat next to Mateo to have some times to themselves.

"And then, when the director was about to sign me the lead role in the play for Snow White, they unfairly recasted me for Silas, because apparently they needed a more 'girly and youthful' person to play the role." Cindy said as she was boasting to Julia and Emma. "Me, not girly or youthful!? Silas is a flipping guy and I have twice as much youth as he does!! Do you see these pigtails!? I can instantly play the part as the cute little girl!"

"I know, it's so unfair to have all your fame and everything you ever achieved, be stolen away from you by a bunch of people who are just jealous of you." Julia said as she felt sympathy. "Just like MK, stole most of my followers by posting a video about me yelling at a dinosaur, even though I was only trying to defend myself!!"

"I know, and I was voted out because I killed a turtle! I mean really!? A turtle!?" Emma said as explained. "You could find hundreds of those on the planet!! And everyone just turned on me just because of that!! I deserved better than that!"

"For sure, girl." Cindy said as she gave a hi-five to Emma.

"Sure we may be down one player, but with a team like this, we're going to dominate the competition." Julia said with a smirk.

"Not gonna lie, it was pretty shocking that Vincent got the boot instead of it being a tie." Emma said to Julia and Cindy. "I mean did you see how swollen Vincent's muscles were? It would've been so cute if there was another swimming challenge, and he would be in his swimsuit, flexing his muscles like Caleb did."

"Pfft, like I would even care if that dimwit is gone." Cindy said as she rolled her eyes. "I was only dating him because he and his family were loaded, before they went bankrupt of course. And I also did it just to spite Silas, as retaliation for stealing my spotlight."

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