Chapter 19- The Amazing Total Drama Circus! (1/2)

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In the first class compartment, Heather and Alejandro were inside, looking at the camera toward the viewers. "Last time, on Total Drama: Around the World, Africa, home to over 70 types of flora and fauna, including some that aren't as cute and cuddly as they appear on tv." Alejandro explained to the viewers. "Our competitors participated in a genuine hide and seek, which quickly came to a wild zebra chase after things get a little out of hand, literally."

"I'm other news, Cindy attempted flirt with Zee so he could betray his alliance, but thanks to his lack of brain, Cindy was outmatched." Heather explained to the viewers. "However, it wasn't enough to save one member of their alliance, after Julia found the immunity totem hidden in the Savannah. So, it was Scary Girl who got the boot, instead of Julia. And Mateo and Silas spend their time bonding by playing in the mud."

"What more exciting action will we see this week?" Alejandro asked the viewers. "Find out here, on Total...Drama...AROUND THE WORLD!!!"


In the first class department, Zee was in first class with Gina, MK, Silas and Bowie after previously winning the challenge in Africa. Right now, they were enjoying eating some freshly baked cookies from first class.

"Mm, I could get used to first class." MK said with a smirk as she was eating her cookie.

"I know, with so many challenges that we've won, we've just about become the strongest alliance known in Total Drama history." Gina said as she felt confident.

"Here's to winning." Bowie said as he held his cookie out.

"Hear hear!" Zee, Bowie, MK and Gina said as they made a toast to their cookies and took a bite out of them.

Silas however sighed as he wasn't that much happy right now after Scary Girl was gone and got the boot. "Still thinking about Lauren huh?" Gina asked Silas.

"Yeah, I still can't believe that she got kicked off, I miss her..." Silas said as he looked down.

"Don't worry Silas, we'll be sure to win for her." Bowie said as he comforted Silas. "And be sure to get back at Julia for making her get sent home."

"Exactly." MK said with a smirk as she gave a hi-five to Bowie.

Meanwhile, in the common area, Nichelle was enjoying some croissants and sitting with the rest of her alliance, until she noticed Mateo with baggy eyes and looking as if he hadn't slept for days.

"Holy moly, Mateo." Nichelle said with surprised. "Did you get any sleep last night?"

"Couldn't get any because of them..." Mateo said tiredly.

"Who?" Nichelle asked.

"Who do you think?" Mateo asked as he pointed to Julia, Emma and Cindy, who were currently talking together. "They kept me up all night because they were having a sleepover, and Emma told the girls about some of the stuff she wants to do with me once the competition is over or if we win the million..."

"And then once we land in Paris, we can both go to Paris and I can pick out cute new clothes for Mateo!" Emma said with joy and held a fashion magazine. "Like this one, or this one, oh! And this one too! And this time it'll be way more enjoyable because Chase won't be there!"

"Nichelle, I need you to take this fork, and shove it directly into my head..." Mateo said to Nichelle as he gave her a fork.

" about instead, you could try to talk to her." Nichelle said to Mateo as she put the fork away. "It doesn't necessarily mean you have to break up with her right now, since I understand that you want to keep Alejandro's advice, but maybe you could at least try to tell her that you aren't very much interested in what she wants to do."

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