Chapter 26- Back Where It All Began (1/2)

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As the plane landed at their final destination, Heather and Alejandro left the plane as they stood on the dock, and looked at the place they were at...Wawanakwa....that was what the old sign said. Heather and Alejandro originally thought that this island sunk to the bottom of the lake after All Stars, but were ever the more surprised to see it after so long.

" we are...Wawanakwa Island...." Heather said as she looked at the island, while also not feeling too happy about coming here for their last location, which was understandable, considering of all they went through on this island in the past.

"It's hard to believe that this island came back from the sea after so long..." Alejandro said in disbelief as he looked around. "I was hoping that we wouldn't have to come back here again...but..."

"Fortunately, we're only gonna be here for the Finale." Heather said with relief to Alejandro. "Then after that, we can leave, put everything that's happened behind us, and just live as normal people."

"Agreed..." Alejandro agreed to Heather. After a while of being silent, Alejandro took out the small box that had the ring inside it, and with all his courage, he was going to get down on one knee, and propose to the one he truly loved. "Um...Heather...there's something I've been meaning to tell you."

"Really? What is it?" Heather asked as she was listening to Alejandro.

"Well, we've been together for a long time now...had some good times...and a few crummy ones...but despite of all of this, it made me ever the more happy to be with you..." Alejandro said with courage as he kneeled down on one knee while holding the small box with the ring inside. "So Heather...will you—"

Alejandro was interrupted however when he felt heavy hit the back of his head, causing him to be knocked unconscious. Heather then turned around and saw Chris holding a frying pan, while standing next to an unconscious Alejandro.

"Oh my god! Al!" Heather said with worry, before she too then got knocked out by Chris with the frying pan, and fell on the floor unconscious.

Chris then threw away the pan as he begun to drag Alejandro and Heather's unconscious bodies, deeper into the island, to somewhere nobody else would find them...


As the sun rose, Geoff and Bridgette were at Wawanakwa Island, filling in for Heather and Alejandro after they went missing. They looked over to the viewers as they begun to host the finale of the season.

"Welcome everyone, to the most exciting finale in Total Drama History!" Geoff said to the viewers as he hosted with Bridgette. "My name is Geoff, and I'm with my lovely wife, Bridgette. You may have known us from the reality show: Who's Got Voice, after Total Drama went against Date On Live for last season's singing competition."

"We're currently filling in for Heather and Alejandro since they're not really here at the moment for some reason." Bridgette said to the viewers. "So for now, we'll be filling in for this season finale's hosts."

"In this season's finale, our finalists have trained, worked hard, and conquered every obstacle that the world threw at them. They battled the wilderness, they sang their hearts out, and even took on some the biggest enemies known in Total Drama History." Geoff said to the viewers.

"But now, our final four are in for the final test: the grand finale of Total Drama: Around the World!" Bridgette said as she cheered. "Only one person will make it long enough in the finale, and earn the prize, of one. Million. Dollars!! Who's going to be the winner this season? Only one way to find out."

"We're your hosts, Geoff." Geoff said to the audience.

"And Bridgette..." Bridgette said to the audience.

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