Chapter 21- Yukon Do It! (2/2)

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Soon after Silas left to take Mateo back to the plane to heal him, the others were still near the hill as they were getting ready to fire some snowballs at each other.

"Alright, everyone ready?" Heather asked as she looked at both teams. "On your marks, get set, go!"

Soon as Heather blew the air horn, everyone on the field then began to toss their snowballs at each other, well, all except for Nichelle, who was more of trying to dodge the snowballs, rather than getting hit by them.

"Whoa, it's a good thing that I learned how to dodge after South Korea." Nichelle said as she smiled.

"Fire in the hole!" MK shouted as she, Gina and Bowie began throwing their snowballs at Julia, Emma and Nichelle.

Julia screamed in terror as she grabbed Nichelle and used her as a shield against the snowballs. Causing Nichelle to get hit with everyone snowball that was thrown at her.

"Ow! Gagh! Oof! Ow!!!" Nichelle shouted after she kept on getting hit by snowballs.

"Hey! Stop screaming! You're making us sound weak!" Julia shouted to Nichelle in anger as she hid behind Nichelle.

"Look who's talking, you're using one of your alliance 'buddies' as a shield." Bowie said as he crossed his arms and felt cross.

"Oh zip it, Bowie! Emma! Help me out here!" Julia shouted to Bowie in anger as she then turned to Emma, but then noticed that Emma wasn't around with her and Nichelle. "Emma? Emma? Where is she!?"

With Emma, she was sneaking around the field in a frantic manner, while trying to look for something or someone, and holding a big ball of snow in her hand, and her pupils dilated to show that's she's started to grow insane. She also had a wide smile and her eye was twitching.

"Silas....come out, come out wherever you are....I just want to have a little talk with don't be afraid....I know you're out here..." Emma said crazily as she tried to act sweet, while also still trying to look for Silas. "Soon once I find you will regret the day you ever decided to come on this show! And then...once Mateo is back with me and I keep giving him this love tea...soon Mateo will be stay with me forever! I'll win the million for myself! I'll have Chase go crazy, and revenge shall be mine!! MINE!!!!!"

Emma then began to laugh crazily as if she was a psychopath, but stopped as soon as she got hit in the head by snowball that was thrown by Gina and Bowie, causing her to fall to the ground.

Gina and Bowie walked over to Emma as they noticed her becoming frantic. "Hey Emma, you okay?" Bowie asked as he somewhat felt concerned for Emma.


"I know she and I ended up being enemies after I voted off Chase and she got back to together with him last season, but deep down to me, she's still just a vulnerable soul who just needs some proper one to one talk." Bowie said as he crossed his arms. "And despite of everything, I didn't really want to leave her like that, it just didn't feel right to me."


"Oh w-what do any of you care?" Emma asked as she shivered from the snowball that was touching her face. "You're just here to laugh at my pain, aren't you? Just like how Silas did when he pushed me off the cliff in Greece?"

"I've seen what happened back there and Silas did not do any of that. He was crying because he was worried that he might've killed you on accident." Gina said as she crossed her arms. "If there's anyone you should blame for you to almost be killed, it's Julia for throwing that spider and spooking off that goat that made you accidentally fall off the cliff."

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