Chapter 11- Who's Got Voice: Round 1 (2/2)

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After each of the participating teams had time to practice on their performance, Geoff and Bridgette came back to the stage as they were getting ready to start the first round of the competition.

"We thank all of you for your patience here tonight, as we are happy to announce that the first competition is almost about to start." Geoff said to the audience with a smile as everyone began to cheer. "In just a few moments, Bridgette and I will go back stage to choose our first group or person, then while they perform, each of our groups will have time during the performance to make some last minute changes for their act, or to finish coming up with ideas for their performance."

"So best you get ready, cause it's time for us to start...Who's Got Voice!!" Brigette cheered as the audience then began to cheer.

Meanwhile, backstage, Bowie and MK were a little stumped on what they wanted to do for their performance and were currently thinking of ideas. MK stopped thinking as she noticed Gina looking upset while sitting down.

Feeling a little worried for Gina, knowing how the insult that Cindy gave to Gina felt very personal to her, MK walked over and sat by Gina. "You okay?" MK asked Gina.

"Not so much..." Gina said as she felt down.

"Was it...because of what Cindy said to you?" MK asked as she remembered the insult that Cindy called to Gina that made her almost clobber her.

"Yeah...I haven't really told you or anyone else about this, other than my brother, Alex and my friend, Scarlett, but...I'm very self conscious when it comes to my body..." Gina said as she turned to MK while feeling hurt. "I always did extreme measures in order to lose weight...measures that did more lethal harm on my body than the stuff I normally eat did...I stopped doing it a couple of months ago...but hearing that insult from Cindy...brought up some really unwanted memories..."

MK and Bowie were honestly shocked that Gina went through all of that and couldn't help but feel bad for Gina, seeing as though some of the insecurities that Gina mentioned were some things that they themselves went through once.

"Have you guys ever realized that you're never going to be perfect, no matter how hard you try, and knowing that just made you even more determined to be perfect?..." Gina said as she felt down

MK then held Gina's hand which surprised MK as she turned Gina's face over to hers. "Gina, you're nothing like what Cindy said to you." MK said as she looked sincere, which was a first for her. "If anything, you're probably the closest thing to perfection."

"I am?" Gina asked as she was confused.

"Of course, you're smart, pretty, have a wicked sense of humor, and you even helped some of us out of tough situations." MK said in a sincere tone. "That's something you don't see often and you've probably been one of the only people I ever tolerated or even felt close to during this season. Heck, I wouldn't even mind staying with you outside the show."

Gina was honestly surprised by how sincere MK was, and so was Bowie. Neither of them have ever seen MK act this sincere, and to Gina, it felt so touching to hear MK say those comforting words to her.

"Wow MK, that's probably one of the only non sarcastic things I've ever heard from your mouth." Bowie said as he was surprised. "Makes me feel bad for voting you off last season."

"Well to be fair, I kind of brought that upon myself." MK said as she shrugged and she then turned to Gina. "But in all honesty, Gina, someone commented on your looks. Who cares? You're beautiful inside and out, and it shouldn't matter on what some jerks say. It's like the saying 'jerks are like kale salads, no one likes them, so who the heck gives fluke?'"

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