Chapter 14- It Came From The Woods (2/2)

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Meanwhile, back at the tent where Alejandro, Heather, Damien and Nichelle were, Scary Girl was coming back as she carried Zee into the tent to join the others.

"By far, one of the worst blows yet." Heather said as she crossed her arms.

"Not to mention bailing on me." Damien said as he crossed his arms and was upset at Zee for ditching him. "Don't you know that you never, ever leave someone behind, when they're using the bathroom while a serial killer is on the loose?"

"Okay, even I admit that's wrong." Alejandro said as he agreed with Damien.

"Um, Heather, Alejandro, can I leave the tent for a few minutes, this mask is chapping." Nichelle said as he face mask started to crack.

"Uh, sure, you can go on ahead." Heather said as she allowed Nichelle to leave to take off her face mask, while the rest of the contestants, Heather and Alejandro stay and watch the rest of the remaining contestants who haven't been caught by the killer.

At the bonfire, Gina came back and noticed that MK was the only one at the bonfire and Bowie was missing. "Where's Bowie?" Gina asked MK.

"Bowie said he went to get a snack in the mess hall." MK explained to Gina.


"Doesn't anyone other than my brother Alex or Scarlett listen to me?" Gina asked as she was annoyed.


Gina then silently growled as she crossed off Bowie's picture on her chart. "And where do you suppose, Zee went?" Gina asked MK.

"Probably bit it with Damien." MK said as she shrugged.

"Well, can't say it's much of a surprise." Gina said as she shrugged. "Rule number eight, the chill party hippie goes out right after the cool but paranoid jock."


Damien sighed as he crossed his arms as he felt upset. "Now she tells me." Damien said as he crossed his arms.


Meanwhile, back in the woods, Julia was still running as fast as she could from Scary Girl, disguised as the killer. Then, Julia suddenly bumps into Emma, and they fall to the ground.

Emma then got up and started to panic. "Ah! Leave me alone! Get away from me, you psychotic man dog thing!" Emma said as she started punching the air while closing her eyes.

"Chill, Emma, it's only me." Julia said to Emma as she got up from the ground.

Emma then stopped punching as she saw Julia, making her sigh of relief. "I gotta tell you, this is one of the only times I'm happy to see you." Emma said as she felt a little breathless.

"I could honestly say the same thing." Julia said as she was out of breath. "What are you doing out here? I thought you ended up dead by the killer?"

"Fortunately, I was able to out run them." Emma said with a smirk, but then became upset. "Unfortunately, just when we were running, Mateo and I split up! I think Mateo might've left me for dead and ended up being killed by the serial killer! That handsome self absorbed jerk!"

"Then, what exactly did you call Caleb?" Julia asked Emma, recalling the times that Emma cheated on Mateo with Caleb.

"That's not important right now!" Emma shouted to Julia. "What's important, is that we need to try to call for help and escape the camp before the killer finds us!!"

"Okay, I still have my phone with me, we should probably go somewhere to hide so we're not out in the open where the killer could find us!" Julia said as she and Emma then started to run. "Run!"

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