Chapter 19- The Amazing Total Drama Circus! (2/2)

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After all the contestants were finished with the magic show, Heather and Alejandro brought the contestants to an obstacle course, which consisted of being carnival snack themed.

The first obstacle was a small kiddie pool filled to the brim with caramel sauce and apples. The second was a little hole filled with popcorn with a bridge over it. The third was three different bushes that were made of cotton candy, next was a catapult that shot banana cream pie, that would be launched by clowns, and the last obstacle was different trees made of giant lollipops and rock candy.

"Welcome to your second part of the challenge." Alejandro explained to the competitors. "Which will be traversing, through this tasty snack themed obstacle course."

"How this will work is that the assistant must perform the course blindfolded, while your partner shouts at your on where you need to go and avoiding as many obstacles as possible." Heather explained to the contestants.

"Oh, well, that doesn't sound too hard." Nichelle said as she shrugged.

"Maybe for you maybe, do you have any idea what those salty and sugary abominations can do to your body!?" Cindy asked as she crossed her arms. "I've promised myself that I wouldn't consume at least one type of sugar or salt, so that I may maintain this gorgeous figure that I own, and not end up looking like you fat losers."

"At least I'm not stuck in the body of a little girl." MK said with a smirk as she mentioned Cindy's height and appearance. This made Bowie, Nichelle and Gina laugh at Cindy for MK's roast, Silas and Mateo also secretly giggled.

"Well, this figure helps me to earn more roles!" Cindy retorted in anger. "Plus, it gives me a boost at getting all the guys I could ever want."

"Too bad they rejected you after you showed your true colors." Silas said as he rolled his eyes.

"Shut up!" Cindy shouted to Silas.

"Nice one there, Silas." MK said as she and Silas fist bumped.

"Okay, so, if everyone else is ready, can the assistants please take your blindfolds and put them on?" Alejandro said as he held out some blindfolds for some of the contestants to have.

The contestants dressed as the assistants grabbed a blindfold and put them on. "And with that, the challenge may begin." Heather said as she allowed the assistants to begin walking.

"Remember Julia, we're on the same team and in an alliance." Emma said to Julia. "So don't do any funny business!"

"Relax, Emma, as if I would ever do something like that." Julia called out to Emma. "So first, you want to take a few paces forward and turn left."

Unfortunately, Julia's instructions came in a little too late, as Emma suddenly tripped and fell into the pool of caramel and apples. Emma got up and spat out some caramel that got stuck in her mouth, as she was now covered in caramel.

"Well, that's actually a good look for you, huh Emma?" Julia asked as she then laughed at Emma after she fell into the pool of caramel.

Emma silently growled as she got up and continued the course. With Gina and MK, they were still in the first obstacle of the course. "Okay, walk two steps forwards, and then turn right." Gina called out to MK.

MK did as Gina expected and managed to avoid being hit by the pool of caramel and apples, and made it to the second obstacle in the course.

"That's good, Grumpy Cat." Gina called out. "Now just keep going straight!"

While that was going on, Mateo was helping Silas move through the second obstacle in the course. Silas stepped on the wooden plank that acted as a bridge for him to get over the hole of popcorn, but noticed the board becoming a bit wobbly and close to breaking.

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