Bonus Chapter- (Because I Love You 😊)

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(Here I made a bonus chapter in my story as a way to thank you for all the appreciation in my story, and that I didn't think it would fit into chapter 6 of the story, hope you enjoy 😊)

Warning: The following chapter contains mentions of PTSD, low self esteem issues and a scene where someone vomits, viewer discretion is advised.

Back up on the plane as it left Madagascar, there was no elimination ceremony since Axel left on account of a venomous spider bite, but the Komodo Dragons were still required to stay in Economy Class while the Tasmanian Devils stayed in First Class after winning the challenge.

Silas was currently in his bed in First Class, but was not sleeping as he had trouble sleeping. Silas couldn't stop thinking about the moment he and Mateo had back in Madagascar, where they accidentally kissed in a river, he wanted to move on from it since he knew Mateo was currently dating Emma, but at the same time, he couldn't stop thinking of Mateo and how he makes him feel like he had butterflies in his stomach.

"Gugh!! What am I doing!? I shouldn't be feeling this way around Mateo!!" Silas said as he felt flustered. "Mateo already has Emma as his girlfriend so why does my face keep flushing whenever I'm near him!?"

Suddenly, Silas heard giggling coming from the Economy Class section of the plane. Feeling curious, Silas got out of his bed to check and see what was going on, only to see that Caleb and Emma were talking to each other, with Emma giggling as she blushes.

"I had no idea that you like teenage romance movies as much as I do." Emma said with a smile as she blushed. "Only, I mostly enjoyed them with my boyfriend, Chase, before we broke up of course, which I'm not sure how long ago was that."

"Oh Emma, it really pains to see how badly Chase has treated you all these years, especially almost killing you by cutting the breaks off her car." Caleb said sincerely. "But I'm proud that you found some new love with Mateo."

"I get that, but the thing was, we never actually kissed yet, and you were the first boy I ever kissed that wasn't Chase. Now I'm worried how this'll affect my reputation with my team." Emma said as she held her arm and felt unsure. "I hope it wasn't too weird."

"Not at all, sweet Emma." Caleb said with a smooth smile as he pulled her closer to her. "Different teams or not, I will gladly stand beside you every step of the way. And if Mateo doesn't come back for you, I will gladly be there for you, no matter what."

Emma sighed dreamily as she felt touched by Caleb's words, not knowing that he was actually fabricating of what he said. "Oh Caleb...that's the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me..." Emma said lovingly. "But...we should probably head back to sleep before our teams notice us."

"Oh of course, but before that, maybe there's still time for a know?" Caleb asked with a smirk.

Emma blushed madly as she thought about it for a moment. "I guess, a little time together wouldn't hurt..." Emma said with a smile.

Then, Caleb and Emma then brought their faces closer together and started to kiss and make out a little bit. Silas was watching all of this and gasped in shock as he covered his mouth, he couldn't believe that Caleb and Emma were kissing each other, but were purposely doing it.

Silas then quickly head back into first class as he tried to process all of what was going on, he thought that the kiss Emma and Caleb shared last time was only an accident and that it probably wouldn't hurt if Mateo or anyone else found out. However, after he saw Emma and Caleb genuinely making out, he felt more conflicted and worried about Mateo, his team and the other team.

"W-Was that really real?" Silas asked as he was in shock and felt worried. "Oh no, no, no, no, no, what am I gonna do? If either of our teams find out about this they'll be in huge danger, along with Mateo too. I gotta find some way to stop him, for both our sakes..."

"Wow, Silas, you seem surprisingly concerned for Mateo and his team, and I thought I was the one who goes back against my team." Caleb's voice was heard when Silas turned around and saw Caleb near the doorway of First Class, which made Silas take a step back in fear.

"C-Caleb, about before, I'm really sorry I caught you kissing Emma, but I won't tell the others, I swear!" Silas pleaded to Caleb as he begged on his knees for Caleb not to hurt him, knowing well of what Caleb did to him back in Madagascar.

"That's right, you won't tell the others, considering that it's beneficial that our team does not know of this." Caleb said with a smirk. "And I'm sure it's beneficial that Mateo doesn't know about this either."

"What do you mean by that?" Silas asked while hiding his worry.

"Oh nothing much, it's so that Mateo still stay with Emma, yada yada yada, to keep us from elimination, etc. etc..." Caleb said as he then made a dark smile at Silas. "Oh, and it's also so that both teams won't know of your two little secrets."

Caleb then took out a photo that made Silas gasp of shock and fear. It was a photo of Silas from when his bangs were still there, and was next to a group of people that looked to have been part of a rock band or music group of some sort.

"I noticed how familiar you looked in this photo that dropped out of your little sketchbook, and realized initially of who you were, along with discovering why you've always had your eyes covered." Caleb said with a smirk. "And I also seemed to have noticed that you stayed close towards Mateo back in the Bahamas and in Madagascar, if anything, I say you might have started to grow a thing for Mateo. Would be a real shame if everyone knew of both your secrets."

"Y-You wouldn't!" Silas shouted in fear as he stepped back.

"I mean, Emma's heart would be broken in pieces if she found out that you kissed her boyfriend and are now starting to form feelings for him. What will Mateo think of you after that? Would he not care? Would he abandon you the same way one of your former band mates did and think of you as a snitch? And no one ever likes a snitch." Caleb said as he pulled Silas closer by grabbing his collar and looked at Silas with a threatening glare. "So I think it's best you keep your mouth shut for now, it's you know what's good for you. Otherwise, you may have to kiss all of your good friends and family, along with your will of life, goodbye."

As Caleb walked away with pride and went to the Dining Hall to grab something to eat, Silas was left in a cluster of fear and panic. He wants to save both teams and Mateo from Caleb's scheme, but couldn't risk Caleb telling everyone of his secret identity and his other secret. Thinking back on the kiss he shared with Mateo, along with Caleb's threat, it started to make Silas hyperventilate and shake like a leaf.

To him, it felt as if the whole world was caging up on him, and Silas felt so shaky and panicked, that he felt himself becoming nauseous, so he rushed towards the first class bathroom and vomited in the First Class toilet. After he stopped, Silas flushed away the vomit, managed to get back up on his feet and tried to calm himself down by taking some deep breaths.

After Silas stopped hyperventilating, he looked at himself in the bathroom mirror. When he saw his reflection, it made him look back to when Caleb showed him the photo of him together with the people he formerly used to know, along with the kiss Emma and Caleb shared, and the accidental kiss he and Mateo shared.

This made Silas start to hear voices in his head and imagined figures laughing or cursing at him. Hearing things such as calling him names and think of him as disgusting. He imagined he saw a silhouette that looked closer to Mateo, Emma and his team, with them calling Silas out for revealing the truth and leaving him behind while calling him names.

All of this made Silas cover his ears and trying his best to block out the noise. "Stop it! Stop it! Please!! I don't want this anymore!!! Just....LET ME OUT OF HERE!!!!" Silas shouted from his lungs as the voices and silhouettes finally stopped.

Silas took some more deep breaths, he looked down on the ground, not wanting to take it anymore, he felt tears watering from his eyes, hugged his knees and began sobbing. Feeling like he trapped into something he dealt with in the past, and that he couldn't be free, it was enough for Silas to break and hide himself from everyone, even from those he felt close to....

(OCs Mateo and Silas and artwork above belong to me and nothing else.)

(Again, thanks again for all your appreciation and support, and sorry if this chapter was a little dark. Hope you all enjoyed it and I love you. 😊)

To be continued. . .

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