Chapter 15- What's Athen-ing? (1/2)

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In the first class compartment, Heather and Alejandro were inside, looking at the camera toward the viewers. "Last time, on Total Drama: Around the World, our campers took some time to relax in the Black Forest in Germany, that was, until a savage serial killer with wolf skin, sharp teeth and a hook came in and turned their night of relaxation, into a night of running for their lives." Alejandro explained. "There were loads of screaming, especially since it was all a simulation in which Scary Girl was disguised as the serial killer, tasked to take down all the contestants. However, Gina and MK were the only two who were able to beat Scary Girl, along with a strange creature who tried to drown Silas and kidnapped MK. Unfortunately, Damien was left as the only one not scared by the killer, but instead by a surprise scare fro, both Nichelle and Julia, making him the next one to take the Drop of Shame, and have ten players left in the game."

"Speaking of Silas, it seems as though Mateo realized his feelings for him after Silas showed off his strength to Mateo and help him throughout the night. And did we also mention that Mateo returned the favor to Silas by saving him from the strange creature who attempted to down him? Because he sure did." Heather explained with a smirk. "Unfortunately, this sparked an idea for Julia, as she now intends to convince Emma and Mateo into an alliance, after seeing Mateo and Silas's secret relationship."

"Oh boy, you think this might turn into another Gwen-Courtney-Duncan fiasco?" Alejandro asked Heather.

"We'll just have to wait and see." Heather said as she shrugged. "Anyways, will Emma find out about Mateo's secret relationship with Silas and ultimately put a unfixable gap between them? Find out now, on Total...Drama...AROUND THE WORLD!!!!"


As the plane was up in the air, Gina and MK were in the First Class compartment as Heather and Alejandro told her after the elimination ceremony that she gets to bring a person of her choice to First Class with her.

Gina and MK were currently enjoying themselves with some freshly baked strudel that they got from the flight attendants. "Mm, I could get used to First Class." MK said as she smirked. "It felt so good to keep going into first class now that Caleb wasn't there to mess with Emma. Because of him, we had to suffer a losing streak that lasted until we were in South Korea. So about like five episodes."

"Yeesh, am I ever glad I joined after Caleb was eliminated, because I'm pretty sure I would've lost my patience and toss both him and Emma out of the plane." Gina said with a smirk. "And also Julia, since she annoys me."

"As does she to me, in fact she was the reason I was eliminated before the merge back last season." MK explained. "Sure I did some things such as watching all of their confessionals and stealing their stuff, but even then they believed it was Julia that did all that stuff, right up until Julia lied to everyone that I watched them doing their business in the confessional."

"Ugh, that phone addicted spaz! I can't believe she would do that." Gina said in disbelief. "I feel so bad for you, if I'd have been there, I would've kicked Julia's butt and save you from elimination."

"Aw, that's actually the most heartwarming thing anyone's ever said to me that wasn't cringe." MK said as she smiled. "Thanks."

"No problem." Gina said with a smile before frowning. "Anyways, back to Emma, I still can't believe she and Mateo haven't broken up yet, despite of all the things that she's done to him."

"Guess it comes from Mateo's first time in being in a relationship and that, maybe he just doesn't know how to break up with someone." MK said as she took a bite from her strudel.

"Yeah, probably." Gina said as she shrugged as she also took a bite of her strudel.

Back in the common area of the plane, Emma and Mateo were sitting together as they were both eating breakfast and Emma was having a conversation with Mateo.

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