Chapter 23- The Challenge Of Musical Dread!: Part 2 (2/2)

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Warning: The following chapter includes scenes of PTSD, suicidal thoughts, and a bit of some graphic violence, viewer discretion is advised. Enjoy 😊

After Silas managed to escape from Cindy and her warped part of the server, he ended up in some kind of void of some sort that connected to different parts of the server, where there were different holes that lead to different parts of either the server, or in the simulation.

"Where did I end up now?" Silas asked as he looked around the void. "Hopefully here, I could find some clues as to where the others are. Silas then noticed a hole in the server in which that led to a control room, similar to one that held Heather, Owen and Noah hostage.  "That must be where they're keeping Heather, Noah and Owen."

So Silas rushed his way through the portal and arrived at the control room of the simulation. Once he got there, he saw Heather, Noah and Owen still tied up and we're trying to get themselves untied, but we're struggling to get the ropes untied. Bowie and MK were there too, and not with Emma or Julia, as the villains kept them tied up while placed into a deep sleep.

Owen, Noah and Heather stopped struggling as soon as they saw Silas. "Oh, hey buddy, how've you been doing?" Owen asked as he was happy to see Silas.

"Don't worry, I'll help you untie." Silas said as he went over to them and untied the ropes, freeing Noah, Heather and Owen.

"Phew, am I ever glad we're untied." Noah said with relief. "I don't think I could've spend another day trapped in those ropes while also getting rope burns."

"Now that we're free, we should go out and see if we can reunite with the others, and then put an end to those jerks once and for all." Heather said with confidence.

Silas then turned over to Bowie and MK as he tried to wake them up. "MK! Bowie! Wake up!" Silas said as he shook both of them. "We gotta free the others, MK! Bowie!"

Bowie and MK were unconscious for a while until they finally snapped out of their deep sleep and woke up. "Oh man, I just had the strangest dream..." MK said as she held her head. "I dreamt we were placed in a simulation and then we got turned into pixels."

"Um, that was exactly what happened to you and Bowie about half an hour ago." Noah mentioned to MK.

"Oh." MK said as she and Bowie got up.

"Glad to see you're all okay." Silas said to MK and Bowie, but then noticed something strange. "But hold on, where's Topher, wouldn't Cindy or the others keep Topher here as a guard to keep you from escaping?"

"Well, they didn't see Topher as useful anymore, so they dropped him in a pit of zombies for him to be eaten." Heather mentioned.

"Ouch, betrayed again by the bad guys?" Bowie asked as he winced. "Now that's just sad, even for him."

"Alright, enough chit chatter, we've gotta find where those A**holes are keeping the others." MK said as she felt determined. "And I need to punch that d*ck Eric for stealing my G."

"As do I." Bowie said as he agreed with MK.

"Well come on, we'll go through the void to see if we can find an entry in which it could take us to wherever they are." Silas said as he pointed to the portal.

So Heather, Owen, Noah, MK, Bowie and Silas rushed out of the control room and were now inside the void, trying to figure out how they'll find them.

"Okay, I think a way on how we can find them easier is that we'll split up and check each portal to see where Cindy, Eric, Roberto and José are keeping them." Heather said to the others. "Owen, Noah, you and me will search left, MK, Bowie and Silas, you'll search right. Go!"

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