Chapter 6- Mad Mad Madagascar (1/2)

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In the first class compartment, Heather and Alejandro were inside, looking at the camera toward the viewers. "Previously, on Total Drama: Around the World, The Bahamas, home to beautiful sunny beaches and deep dark caverns. Both our teams got to have a relaxing time in the Bahamas, unfortunately, Mateo didn't seem that enthused, probably because he didn't mention to his team that he was afraid of water." Alejandro explained.

"In an unexpected twist, the Komodo Dragons lost again, due to a certain someone, stealing the coins from on of their teammate's bag, and framing it on them. And just like that, Priya was the third person to be eliminated, and the Komodo Dragons, had to suffer their third loss in a row." Heather explained. "And it seems that someone, has a hidden passion for music."

Alejandro then chuckled. "Oh man, losing three times in a row? The Komodo Dragons seem to really not like each other don't they?" Alejandro said as he smirked.

"Apparently not, I'm afraid." Heather said as she chuckled and turned back to the viewer. "Will the Komodo Dragons ever get back up on their feet? Will the Tasmanian Devils ever lose? Find out, in the most thrilling episode yet, on Total...Drama...AROUND THE WORLD!!!!"


In the Economy Class compartment of the plane, Julia was currently sleeping in one of the seats of the plane. Suddenly, the plane started to shake a little, which caused a rat, from one of the vents of the plane, to fall into Julia's mouth.

She instantly woke up and spat out the rat while shivering in disgust. "Stupid economy class..." Julia said in anger as she crossed her arms. "Can't believe that we are back in here, again."

"Oh come on now, at least it can't get any worse." MK said sarcastically with a smirk.

"Can't get any worse!?" Julia said in retaliation. "Thanks to your stunt, we're back in economy class, and we've possibly lost one of the people that could've helped us win in future challenges!"

"Hey, hey, hey, don't blame it all on me, you voted for Priya too." MK pointed out to Julia. "Besides, if there's anyone to really blame, it's either Mateo for not telling us he was afraid of water, or Emma who is currently making googly eyes at Caleb."

Julia then noticed that MK saw Caleb heading into Economy Class and giving Emma a few chocolate chip cookies. "Care to indulge in some delicious chocolate chip cookies? They're freshly made." Caleb offered to Emma as she was blushing.

"W-Wow, you don't really have to do that, Caleb." Emma said as she held her arm and giggled and realized how she was acting and snapped out of it. "S-Sorry, I already have a boyfriend and I don't think he would like it if he saw me with you, considering he hasn't been in much of a good mood since the last challenge."

"Dear me, I am deeply sorry, I didn't realize that you were feeling bad for your boyfriend." Caleb apologized. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have come unattended and—"

"No, no no no! I didn't say you could leave, I just feel sorry for feeling weird whenever you're around." Emma said as she held her shoulder and smiled. "But the cookies are still really delicious."

"It's alright, happens all the time, and you're welcome." Caleb said with a smirk. "If you want, I could invite you to first class to let you indulge in all the cookies you could ever want." Emma giggled in response as she blushed madly. Julia saw this and became suspicious of Emma.


"As much as I hate to admit it, MK has a point. For more than one challenge straight, Emma has done nothing but fawn and swoon over Caleb." Julia said as she crossed her arms and frowned. "So the next time we lose, she is heading straight home."

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