Chapter 23- The Challenge Of Musical Dread!: Part 2 (1/2)

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Warning: The Following chapter contains scenes of PTSD, scenes that involve panic attacks and trauma, viewer discretion is advised and it's best you read at your own risk. Enjoy 😊

In a different part of the server, Gina was running through the server as she was searching for her missing friends, including MK and Bowie, who had been previously reduced to pixels.

"MK?! Bowie!? Alejandro!? Silas!? Mateo!?!" Gina called out as she continued running through the server in search of her friends. "Give me a shout if you can hear me!!"

Gina then stopped running as she noticed that she stumbled upon a rather strange part of the server, almost as if the server changed its self into a long endless maze of school lockers, almost as if she was trapped in an actual school.

"Hold on....where am I?" Gina asked as she looked around the hallways. "Is this some kind of weird fever dream I stumbled upon?"

"So, this bring back any memories, G?" A voice asked as Gina turned to see Eric as he held his cigarette and smirked at Gina. "Back from when we were the top dogs in school? We ruled this place like fricking kings and queens, we had everything we could ever want....yet you gave it all up for some whiny, mousy freak who couldn't go a single day without blabbing on and on about musicals, broadway, wanting to go to New York...drove me and pops bonkers!...Then you made the wise choice of snitching me for pedaling mere heroin of all things..."

Gina growled as she glared at Eric. "That 'mousy freak' was our little brother Alex, and you know it! And you brought it upon yourself for always being such an A**hole to everyone and me!" Gina said in anger at Eric. "You and your friends kept relentlessly torturing him to the point he almost committed suicide!! I couldn't spend another day, living with the guilt I had of being forced to go along with your antics, in the hopes that I would avoid getting picked on or beaten up by you!!"

"Come on, G, we were only just joking around." Eric said with a smirk as he didn't care. "Besides, that dumbass deserved it for always choosing music over sports! Just as pops would've wanted for me and Alex!"

"What Alex does and do is not for you and dad to decide! It's by his own choice!" Gina said in anger as she got her fists ready. "This time, I'm going to settle this, once and for all! I'm through with hiding or being afraid of you and your threats! So this ends right here! Right now!"

Eric then laughed as he wasn't fazed by Gina's bravery, or her way of standing up for herself. "Come on now, G, be reasonable, we all know that you wouldn't really stand a chance against me. Especially after of what I said would to you if you didn't follow any orders." Eric said with a smirk. "And we don't really have to fight, sis, we could be part of something great here. Have us return to our glory days and ditch those losers on who you called 'friends'. All that's needed from you, is to join me...."

Gina growled at Eric as she had no intention of joining Eric and his sick little plan, even if that plan would potentially kill her or get her into unwanted trouble.

"I'd rather die...than staying stuck being an A**hole like you!!" Gina said in anger at Eric as she wasn't afraid.

Eric then shook his head in disappointment as he sighed. "Tsk, tsk,'s a real shame...we could've had the chance to be actual siblings...oh well..." Eric said as he held his cigar and looked at Gina. "Maybe this might job your memory and make you change your mind?"

So Eric blew in some smoke from his cigarette, and blew it around Gina, tripping her in a dome that was filled with smoke. "Ooh, I'm so scared...what's one measly dome of smoke gonna do?" Gina asked as she smirked. "Intoxicate my lungs until I run out of oxygen?"

It was then that a part of the dome took shape of some humanoid silhouettes as one of them was carrying a salad of some sort. "Oh hey Gina, we thought we'd give you a little something that we made for you." One of the silhouette said as she dumped the salad onto Gina, which quickly turned into gold-ish gray goo, which made Gina stained with it and made her shocked. "What? Don't like salad? You brother told us that you liked salad, or was it just an excuse so we would think you're dieting? Is that true, Gorging Gina?"

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