Chapter 18- Africa Stole My Heart (2/2)

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Meanwhile, in one part of the Savannah, Bowie and Zee were hiding behind some tall grass, as they were observing a herd of zebras that were grazing on some grass.

"Would you check out that herd of Zebras..." Bowie said in awe as he looked at the herd of zebras.

"Maybe we can score some major points by taking a picture of them together." Zee said with a smirk as he got his camera ready. "So let's go on ahead and—"

"Whoa there Zee." Bowie said as he stopped Zee from going any further towards the herd. "I want to get a picture of them too, but we gotta make sure that we're quiet and still. One loud noise or sudden move, and it could trigger the zebras to become spooked and start a stampede. So we gotta be stealthy, okay?"

"No problemo, I'm good at being stealthy." Zee said as he gave a thumbs up.

"Oh my, seems like you need some help with taking a picture of those zebras." A voice said as coming through another tall patch of grass that was near them, was Cindy, as she followed Zee to try and continue flirting with him. "Lucky for you, I could help use that camera of yours and maybe have us take selfie together. Wouldn't that just be so sweet?"

"Um...maybe?..." Zee asked as he shrugged as he still didn't quite get what Cindy meant.

"Or before we do that, maybe we could go somewhere a little quieter to take the picture?" Cindy asked as she then began to drag Zee away.

Bowie however, stopped Cindy as he then dragged Zee the other way. "Actually, I think we'll be fine taking the picture on our own." Bowie said as he pulled Zee away from Cindy and they walked away. "Now run along back to your playground, shortie."

As Zee and Bowie were walking away, Cindy growled in anger as her plan didn't work again, which made her storm off and away from the zebra herd. "I still don't actually know what Cindy meant when she said that." Zee said to Bowie.

"Please, she was obviously trying to flirt with you so that she could try to break our alliance." Bowie said to Zee as he rolled his eyes. "Julia must've came up with that just so she could try to shorten our alliance and have her win immunity."

"Whoa...Cindy was flirting with me...I had no idea..." Zee said as he was surprised by this, but didn't seem all that mad. "But, Cindy's not really much of my type...and I don't really want to make Vincent mad at me for being with his girlfriend."

"Vincent and Cindy broke up, and Vincent repeatedly kept trying to flirt with Silas and make him take him back." Bowie mentioned. "What reason would there be for Vincent to be mad?"

"Uh...ratings?" Zee asked.

"Fair enough." Bowie said as he shrugged. "Anyways, let's just try and take a picture of those zebras."

So Bowie and Zee went to a place that was far away from the herd, but was close enough for them to take a picture of the herd without scaring them. "Alright, got your camera ready?" Bowie whispered to Zee as he held his camera.

"All set and done." Zee said as he whispered and gave a thumbs up while holding his camera.

Zee and Bowie then heard rustling up on a tree that was near the zebra herd. They looked up, and saw that Scary Girl was up on the tree while looking at the zebras with a creepy smile.

"Whoa, that looks like another good spot for us to take a picture of the herd." Zee said as he saw Scary Girl in the tree.

"Oh, easy does it, Scary Girl...nice and easy so you won't—" Bowie said as he tried to get Scary Girl to stand still, but she didn't listen as she then got on the back of one of the zebras and began riding it like it was an actual horse.

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