Chapter 8- Louvre Is In The Air (2/2)

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After hours of designing both suits and gowns, most of the contestants were outside the white mansion with Heather, Alejandro, Tyler and Lindsey, as they were currently either talking to each other, or showing off their suits and gowns that they designed for the challenge. The area outside the mansion had a dance floor for those who wanted to dance together, a few tables to sit at and a buffet table for those who were hungry.

Emma and Mateo were currently standing together as Emma tried to flirt with Mateo in order to make Chase upset or jealous. "Doesn't this just look romantic? Us here, in Paris, together?" Emma asked as she tried to flirt with Mateo. "I mean sure this is just a challenge, but this honestly feels like a real wedding to me, don't you agree?"

"I guess." Mateo shrugged as he didn't mind.

"So, what do you think of my dress?" Emma asked while moving a bit closer to Mateo. "Cute, isn't it?"

"Elegant." Mateo said in a nonchalant tone.

Emma ignored Mateo's tone and just swooned. "Oh Mateo, you're just so romantic, not at all like my worthless ex-boyfriend, Chase!!" Emma said as she shouted the last part of her sentence loud so Chase could hear. "Say, you know what would make this more romantic? Us dancing together, underneath the moonlight.Of course, if you don't like that, we could skip straight to kissing."

"Nah, dancing's okay with me." Mateo said.

So suddenly, Emma grabbed Mateo's arm and pulled her to the dance floor. "Oh Mateo, of course!! I would be more than happy to dance with you!!" Emma said with a smile as she said it loud enough so Chase could hear.

It was then Emma and Mateo then began waltzing around the dance floor with some of the contestants weirded out, Emma then grabbed Mateo and spun him around rapidly before making him dip, causing Mateo to be surprised and dizzy.

As Emma started to spin Mateo around and twirl him around in a surprising and rough pace, Chase saw all of it and instantly became jealous. "Hmm, trying to slow dance into her heart, huh?" Chase asked as he then became determined. "Well two can play that game, hombre, let's see how Emma likes it if she saw me dancing with someone else."

Chase then got an idea as he decided to try and find someone to dance with, in order to make Emma jealous. Chase then came across MK, who was currently drinking some lunch from the buffet table.

"Say, MK, that's a pretty hot hat you're wearing." Chase said as he pretended to flirt with MK. "It really brings out your damp natural apperance. Nice."

MK felt confused by this and just ignored Chase. Emma noticed this while dancing with Mateo, and was surprised to see Chase flirting with another girl other than Emma.


"Flirting with another girl to get my attention?" Emma asked as she then became confident. "Nice try, Chase, but I'm stronger than you think."


However, Emma's relationship changed to that of jealous, which was different from the confessional she recently took. "Come on, Mateo, pick up the pace!" Emma said to Mateo as they danced a little faster. "I have to gain the upper hand against Chase!"

So Emma twirled Mateo again in a violently fast pace which caused him to accidentally spun around the floor and crash into one of the tables, making him both injured and dizzy.

"Oops..." Emma said as she then walked away while whistling nervously.

"So, here's a question I think you were dying to hear." Chase asked as he offered his hand to MK with a smirk. "Care to dance?"

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