Chapter 10- Great Baring Reef! (1/2)

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In the first class compartment, Heather and Alejandro were inside, looking at the camera toward the viewers. "Previously, on Total Drama: Around the World, Skaftefel, Iceland, home to great food that was a geyser of fun, well, not really." Heather said with a shrug. "Each of our teams guided a sheep over to the finish line where our second part of the challenge began to start. The food there wasn't a pretty sight for anyone, but it wasn't much of a pretty sight for Mateo as Emma coldly, but short lively, dumped Mateo after she thought that Chase had change, but boy was she wrong."

"Surprisingly, we got to see Silas finally break and tell off Chase for the massive jerk he was to both him and his team." Alejandro explained with a smirk. "Guess it comes to show that even little guys can be tough when push comes to shove, which was how Chase got the boot, thanks to him sabotaging his team in an attempt to get Emma back."

"Yeesh, and I thought Courtney and Duncan's relationship was toxic." Heather said as she shuddered. "But there seems to be some exciting drama going on between Emma and Mateo. Will Emma and Mateo patch things up? Will their relationship forever be gone? Find out right now, on Total...Drama...AROUND THE WORLD!!!!!"


As the plane continued to fly through the air, in the first class compartment, Emma was reading a magazine while drinking some fresh cold water while feeling relaxed.

"You're feeling strangely relaxed today." MK said as she and Gina sat beside Emma. "I take it Chase's elimination allowed you to have some peace for once?"

"Exactly, with both Caleb and Chase gone, I can finally focus on winning the million and show Chase that I can do just well without him." Emma said with pride as she smirked.

"And what about you and Mateo?" Gina asked Emma. "Are you guys still together, or are you officially split?"

"Don't worry, me and Mateo managed to work things out so everything is good between us now." Emma said with a proud smile. "See, he's happy."

Emma pointed to Mateo and MK and Gina turned to see Mateo calmly reading a book, looking like he managed to shake off the feeling of shock he had after Emma said she pretended to be in a relationship with him, he wasn't sure if it was actually real or not, but it still hurt him to hear that.

"Well, good job on patching things up." Gina said as she shrugged and smiled.

"And it better stay that way." Julia threatened as she and Nichelle were in the hot tub. "The last thing we need is another Caleb and Emma fiasco where it ends with Emma crying non-stop, over a boy she thought she could trust, that caused us to be thrown off the game."

"Hey, I said I was sorry, didn't I?" Emma asked as she felt offended by that. "Mateo and I have made amends, and there's no way that's gonna happen."

"You say that, but..." MK said as she felt unsure.

"Forget this, I'm going to get some more water." Emma said as she left and grabbed some more water.

Gina and MK left as they then sat next to Mateo, who was still reading. "I have to say Mateo, I'm surprised how well you and Emma made amends even though Emma cheated on you for like what? The fifth time?" MK asked. "Not even Chase would do that."

"Well, to be honest, I'm still somewhat hurt after what Emma said." Mateo said as he put his book down and sighed. "And, I still haven't considered in forgiving Emma, but I thought that by keeping Emma happy, things will go better today than they did before."

"Okay, why would you want today to be better? Other than you and Emma's relationship becoming rocky." Gina asked.

"'s my birthday..." Mateo said as he scratched his neck.

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