Staring at the Twin suns

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In Space a sleek silver ship flies through the trade federation blockade.

The pilot, Ric Olie, navigates toward the massive battleship, Qui-Gon and Captain Panaka watch.

Ric Olie: ....our communications are still jammed.

Inside the droid hold of the shit Jar Jar is led into a low, cramped doorway by Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan: Now stay here, and keep out of trouble.

Obi-Wan closes the door. Jar Jar looks around and sees a long row of five short, dome-topped Astro Droids. They all look alike, except for their paint color, and they all seem to be shut down.

Jar Jar: Ello, boyos. Disa wanna longo trip...hey?

Jar Jar taps a bright red R-2 unit on the head, and its head pops up a bit. He lets out a gasp as he lifts the head.

Jar Jar: Tis opens?...Oooops!

Many springs and things come flying out. Jar Jar quickly closes it again, very embarrassed.

Jar Jar: Yoi! Just yoken!

Ric Olie: Powers back! That little droid did it. He bypassed the main power drive. Deflector shield up, at maximum.

The lone blue droid finishes his repairs and goes back into the ship. The Naboo spacecraft races away from the Federation battleship.

Ric Olie: There's not enough power to get us to Coruscant...the hyperdrive is leaking.

Qui-Gon: We'll have to land somewhere to refuel and repair the ship.

Qui-Gon studies a star chart on a monitor.

Obi-Wan: Here, Master. Tatooine... It's small, out of the way, poor... The Trade Federation has no presence there.

Captain Panaka: How can you be sure?

Qui-Gon: It's controlled by the Hutts...

Captain Panaka: The Hutts??

Obi-Wan: It's risky...but there's no alternative.

Captain Panaka: You can't take Her Royal Highness there! The Hutts are gangsters... If they discovered her...

Qui-Gon: ...It would be no different than if we landed on a system controlled by the Federation... except the Hutts aren't looking for her, which gives us an advantage.

Captain Panaka takes a deep breath in frustration.


On tatooine two young men exit their hut and out onto a moisture farm

Anakin Skywalker looks off into the distance at the rising twin suns

Anakin: Hey. Do you think we'll ever get off this dump of a planet?

He gestures towards the older, taller boy next to him

???: I'm sure we will one day Ani. The galaxy is such a big place. Something's bound to happen.

He looked down at the younger boy with a wide smile on his face.

Anakin: You really think so Y/N?

The boy, now known as Y/N, looks back up at the rising suns with a look of determination on his face.

Y/N: I'm sure bud. I'll make sure we get out of here. You me and mom. We'll get out of here and get to a planet where we can just sit back and relax all day.

In the distance Shmi Skywalker looks at her two children with a loving smile on her face.

Y/N pats his little brother on the shoulder and turned to see his mother looking at them with a look only a mother can give.

Y/N smirked and looked back at his brother, leaning on to tell him something.

Y/N: Hey Ani I think we should get back. I don't think mom is going to be too happy we're up so early when we've got to work all day.

Anakin shuddered and looked back at his mother with a frightened look on his face and just sighed.

Y/N laughed at his brother's understandable fear of their mother and he patted him on the shoulder and started to walk back to their home and their mom.

Little did the two of them know that their world was about to change in ways they could have only dreamt of.


Off in the outskirts of tatooine the silver ship from Naboo lands in the desert in a swirl of dust.

The spaceport of Mos Espa is seen in the distance.

Obi-wan-is hoisting the hyperdrive out of a floor panel. Jar Jar rushes up to him and falls to his knees.

Jar Jar: Obi-Wan, sire, pleeese, no mesa go!

Obi-wan: Sorry, Qui-Gon's right. You'll make things less obvious.

Jar Jar walks back to R2-D2 in the hallway as Qui-Gon enters the main area.

Obi-Wan: The Hyperdrive generator is gone. We will need to get a new one.

Qui-Gon moves closer to Obi-Wan and speaks quietly to him.

Qui-Gon: Don't let them send any transmissions. Be wary... I sense a disturbance in the Force.

Obi-Wan: I feel it also, Master.

Qui-Gon goes into the hallway to meet up with R2 and Jar Jar. They head to the exit ramp.

They start their trek across the desert toward the city of Mos Espa. In the distance, a strange looking caravan makes its way toward the spaceport.

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