Beginning of the End (Episode II Finale)

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On the arena grounds, R2 beeps as 3PO tries to sit up.

C-3PO: What happened? I had the most peculiar dream.

In another part of the deserted arena, Boba Fett finds his father's battered helmet. Kneeling down, he picks it up and lowers his head in sorrow.


The massed lines of parked Trade Federation Starships and the droids surrounding the arena, are themselves surrounded by thousands of Republic Starships, disgorging tens of thousands of Clone Troopers. Beyond, more Republic Starships are landing and spewing out troops.

The Republic Gunships circle towering stalagmites as they head toward the assembly point. Winged Geonosians fire laser cannons up at the Gunships.


Dooku, Poggle, Nute, and Rune enter a huge command center. In the center of the room there is a large circular viewscreen and, around the perimeter of the room, Geonosian soldiers monitor the clone army's advances on large semi transparent maps.

In one corner of the room there is a large monitor flashing a variety of images, like schematics to a familiar planet-sized mechanized weapon.

Poggle: All our communications have been jammed, We are under attack.

Nute Gunray: The Jedi have amassed a huge army.

Count Dooku: Where did they get them? That doesn't seem possible. How did the Jedi come up with an army so quickly?

Nute Gunray: We must send all available droids into battle.

Count Dooku: There are too many. They will soon have us surrounded.


Ground fire and explosions rock the Gunship. Padme, Y/N, Anakin, and Obi-Wan steady themselves.

Obi-Wan: Hold on!


Count Dooku, Poggle the lesser, Nute Gunray, and Rune Haako stand around the viewscreen.

Nute Gunray: This is not going well at all.

Poggle : Order a retreat. I am sending all my warriors deep into the catacombs to hide.

Rune Haako: We must get the cores of our ships back into space.

Count Dooku: I'm going to Coruscant. My Master will not let the Republic get away with this treachery.

Poggle crosses to the holographic schematic and downloads it into a cartridge. He gives it to Count Dooku.

Poggle: The Jedi must not find our designs for the ultimate weapon. If they have any idea of what we are planning to create, we are doomed.

Count Dooku: I will take the designs with me. They will be much safer with my Master.


Mace Windu stares at the incredible sight.

Mace Windu: Captain, land at that assembly point ahead.

Clone Captain: Yes, sir.

The Gunship lands. Mace Windu, Ki-Adi-Mundi, and Clone Troopers spill from the Gunship and join the ground battle. The Gunship lifts off with Yoda on board.

Yoda: Capture Dooku, we must. If escapes he does, he will rally more systems to his cause.

The Clone Troopers open fire with artillery. Explosions wreck the parked Battle Starships. Clone Troopers advance, firing at the massed droids. Fighter droids fly overhead, exchanging fire with the Gunships and Jedi fighters.

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