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Officers at their consoles overlap in the frenzy as an alert sounds off.

Officer: General, their shields are down!

C-3PO: Thank the Maker!

Leia: Y/N and Han did it! Send them in!

Admiral Statura: Give Poe full authorization to attack.

Rear Admiral Gulch: Black Leader, go to sub-lights. On your call.


At lightspeed, Poe pilots.

Poe: Roger, base, red squad, blue squad, take my lead.

Nien Nunb pilots and acknowledges the order in his alien language.

Another pilot, Zolo Ziff.

Zolo Ziff: Dropping out of lightspeed.

With concussive blasts, the X-Wings appear and roar past the stars toward the planet that houses Starkiller base.


The crashed falcon rests on the cliffside with two parked TIE fighters and a troop transport vehicle beside it. Several troopers dig through the ship and find a few things. Kylo Ren enters the cockpit and gently grabs hold of the ornament above Han's seat.

With his hands tightly gripped against the seat, Kylo Ren mumbles.

Kylo Ren: Han Solo...

He starts to shudder as the more powerful presence that was once in the room creeps into his mind.

Kylo Ren: Master L/N...

With a start, he turns his head and storms out of the ship out towards the cliff and spies the X-Wings dropping from the sky.

Thye head toward the hexagonal oscillator structure in the distance.

The squad of X-wings dive bomb the Oscillator, the Black One leads.

A.N. (That's the actual name of Poe's ship)

Poe: Almost in range! Hit the target dead center, as many runs as we can get!

Snap: Approaching target.

Nien Nunb acknowledges.


Large explosions on the top of the distance oscillators can be seen through large windows in the control room. Hux moves quickly to see the damage, he turns sharply to a First Order Officer.

General Hux: Dispatch all squadrons...

Colonel Datoo: Yes, General.


Poe: Let's light it up!

The X-Wings all dive straight down, releasing bombs and their ion cannons, hitting it dead center time and time again, one after the other in quick succession.

LT. Bastian: Direct hit!

Ello Asty: But no damage!

Jess reacts.

Poe: Yeah, we gotta keep hitting it! Another bombing run! Remember, when that sun is gone, that weapon will be ready to fire! But as long as there's light, we got a chance.

A beeping from BB-8, riding in the back of his X-wing, and Poe looks out, can't believe what he's seeing: dozens of TIE fighters.

Poe: Guys, we got a lot of company!

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