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Y/N, Han, and Luke try to look inconspicuous in their armored suits as they wait for a vacuum elevator to arrive. Troops, bureaucrats, and robots bustle about, ignoring the group completely. Only a few give the giant Wookiee a curious glance.

Y/N: I can't imagine how long it took to build this thing.

Finally a small elevator arrives and the trio enters.

Luke: I can't see a thing in this helmet.

Y/N: These things don't fit. How does any blood flow to their brains in these things? I feel like I'm stuck under the foot of a chirodactly.

A bureaucrat races to get aboard also, but is signaled away by Han. The door to the pod-like vehicle slides closed and the elevator car takes off through a vacuum tube.


Several Imperial Officers walk through the wide main passageway. They pass several stormtroopers and a robot similar to 3PO but with an insect face.

At the far end of the hallway, a passing flash of Ben Kenobi appears, then disappears down a small hallway. His appearance is so fleeting that it is hard to tell if he is real or just an illusion. No one in the hallway seems to notice him.


Y/N, Luke, and Han step forward to exit the elevator, but the door slides open behind them. The giant Wookiee and his two guards enter the old gray security station. Guards and laser gates are everywhere. Han whispers to Luke under his breath.

Han: This is not going to work.

Luke: Why didn't you say so before?

Han: I did say so before!

Y/N: You did not! You said nothing.

Elevator doors open. A tall, grim looking Officer approaches the group.

Officer: Where are you taking this... thing?

Chewie growls a bit at the remark but Han nudges him to shut up.

Luke: Prisoner transfer from Block one-one-three-eight.

Officer: I wasn't notified. I'll have to clear it.

Y/N: We already got it cleared. With officer... officer... What what his name again?

Officer: I'll still need to clear it.

The Officer goes back to his console and begins to punch in the information. There are only three other troopers in the area. The humans survey the situation, checking all of the alarms, laser gates, and camera eyes. Y/N unfastens one of Chewbacca's electronic cuffs and shrugs to Luke who elbows Han.

Suddenly Chewbacca throws up his hands and lets out with one of his ear-piercing howls. He grabs Han's laser rifle.

Han: Look out! He's loose!

Luke: He's going to pull us all apart.

Y/N: He's gonna kill us! Go get him!

The startled guards are momentarily stunned. The men have already pulled out their laser pistols and are blasting away at the terrifying Wookiee. Their barrage of laserfire misses Chewbacca, but hits the camera eyes, laser gate controls, and the Imperial guards. The Officer is the last of the guards to fall under the laserfire just as he is about to push the alarm system.

Han rushes to the comlink system, which is screeching questions about what is going on. He quickly checks the computer readout.

Han: We've got to find out which cell this princess of yours is in. Here it is... cell twenty-one-eight-seven. You two go get her. I'll hold them here.

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