Forest Moon

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General Madine: General Solo, is your strike team assembled?

Leia, startled, looks up at Han, surprise changing to admiration.

Han: Uh, my team's ready. I don't have a command crew for the shuttle.

Chewbacca raises his hairy paw and volunteers. Han looks up at him.

Han: Well, it's gonna be rough, pal. I didn't want to speak for you.

Chewie waves that off with a huge growl.

Han: (smiles) That's one.

Leia: Uh, General... count me in.

Voice 1: I'm with you too old buddy!

Voice 2: Same over here!

They turn in that direction and peer into the crowd as there are more cheers. The commanders part, and there at the back stand Luke and Y/N. Han and Leia are surprised and delighted.

Chewie wraps his arms around Y/N in a friendly manner and Leia moves to Luke and embraces him warmly. She senses a change in him and looks into his eyes questioningly.

Leia: What is it?

Luke: (hesitant) Ask me again sometime.

Han, Chewie, and Lando crowd around Y/N and Luke as the assembly breaks up.

Han: Luke.

Luke: Hi, Han... Chewie.

Leia: (graciously) Y/N.

Y/N: How are you, Princess?

The two smile, happy to see one another. R2 beeps a singsong observation to a worried 3PO.

3PO: "Exciting" is hardly the word I would use.


The Millennium Falcon rests beyond the stolen Imperial Shuttle, which looks anomalous among all the Rebel ships in the vast docking bay. Chewie barks a final farewell to Lando and leads R2 and 3PO up the shuttle, crowded now with the Rebel strike team loading weapons and supplies. Lando turns to face Han. Luke and Leia have said their good-byes and start up the ramp.

Han: Look. I want you to take her. I mean it. Take her. You need all the help you can get. She's the fastest ship in the fleet.

Lando: All right, old buddy. You know, I know what she means to you. I'll take good care of her. She-she won't get a scratch. All right?

Han: (looks at him warmly) Right. I got your promise now. Not a scratch.

Lando: Look, would you get going, you pirate.

Han and Lando pause, then exchange salutes.

Lando: Good luck.

Han: You, too.

Han goes up the ramp. Lando watches him go and then slowly turns away. As he turns he bumps into Y/N. He stumps away in fear.

Y/N: Lando.

Lando: (nervously) Yes Y/N?

Y/N: Be careful alright?

Lando: I'll be sure to do that. You look after Han and the rest. Deal?

Y/N: I'd die to save them.

Lando: Woah now hang on. I'm Han's second best friend. I'll die for them first.

Y/N: I'm sure you would Calrissian.

Y/N puts out a hand and Lando vigorously shakes it.

Y/N: Take care. I expect to see you back in one piece. That ship too. I've put too many hours into repairing that shit-bird for it to fall apart.

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