The Student Wins

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The surviving resistance members watch the fire burn from the remnants of the First order fleet. They mourn for their heroic admiral but have a newfound hope that they will in fact make it out of this alive. The republic shuttles make their way to the mineral planet Crait.


AT-ST's and other first order machinery is all ablaze. A smoldering TIE fighter crashes down from the ceiling. Finn lays unconscious on the floor of the collapsing supremacy Star Destroyer.

He gets jolted as the smoldering wreckage of the TIE fighter goes up in a fireball of an explosion. He awakes to see Y/N punching someone in the stomach, knocking the greasy snake to the ground. Punch after punch is laid down on DJ, as the General lets no mercy.

Y/N: Why'd you do that?!

DJ: G-g-g-gotta make a l-l-living s-somehow...

Y/N: You got innocent people killed. That's not making a living. That's called being scum.

DJ: If that's what you want to c-c-call it.

Raising his fist once more, Y/N notices eyes on him, looking over and seeing Finn. Shaking his head he lifts DJ off his knees and hurls him across the platform. The stuttering man roars as he lands by a stranded TIE fighter. Y/N grasps at his self-inflicted abdominal wound before sprinting over to his stunned friend.

Y/N: Finn! There's a shuttle that way. We gotta go!! This whole place is about to fall apart!

Finn sits in shock for a moment, before scrambling to his feet at the aid of the arrived Y/N. The two make their ways across the flaming wreckage of the First Order vehicles and debris. They stumble over countless stormtrooper bodies and sharp jagged metal. Y/N supports Finn as they traverse.

They get clear of the worst of the wreckage and take off in a full on sprint over to the intact shuttle. Some TIE fighters escape out of the hangar bay and into the open reaches of space. Another comes spiraling down, whining as it crashes and kills its pilot in an explosion.

Y/N and Finn skid to a halt just shy of the shuttle bay doors as they spot a figure walking out of the smoke. The silhouette grows larger and larger up until the chrome armor clears the wall of smoke.

Captain Phasma and her battalion of troopers walk out, guns raised and sights aimed. Phasma marches forward and arms her blaster, ready for the kill.

Captain Phasma: Traitor!!

Out of nowhere, a large blaster bolt fires off, knocking Phasma out of her aim and putting up another cloud of smog in front of her trooper battalion.

Captain Phasma: What?!

She aims her blaster over to the AT-ST that fired at her. She opens fire, as does her battalion, though they are gunned down by the rogue First Order war machine. More troopers try to approach the battle robot and are shot down unceremoniously, flying through the air, spinning like tops.

Yet more troopers try to shoot at it from behind and up on a gantry where the machine would be boarded. The AT-ST tries to walk forward through the fire and wreckage. The fueling and charging wires are still attached at the top however, and it pulls the cockpit walls off of the foundation. The gun and the legs stumble forward to reveal BB-8 at the controls.

The crazy little droid lets off a few beeps and whistles as his little hands spark and turn the controls to the AT-ST.

Finn and Y/N turn to one another with incredulous looks on their faces. The two are so confused at the moment.

Y/N: I've seen some strange shit in my lifetime but I can't say I've seen that before.

While they stare at the droid doing his thing, a blaster bolt shoots out from the side. Y/N notices before it makes contact and tackles Finn out of the way. The bolt sails past them harmlessly into a wall. Y/N goes to take cover and notices someone behind him. Finn goes to pick up one of the Z-6 batons but Y/N gets his attention first. He reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls something out.

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