Light in the Dark

978 26 1

Y/N: I've got an idea.

He leans over to whisper to Luke who nods in agreement.

Luke: 3PO, tell them if they don't do as you wish, you'll become angry and use your magic.

3PO: But Master Luke, what magic? I couldn't possibly-

Y/N: Trust us. Just tell them.

3PO speaks to the Ewoks. The Ewoks are disturbed. Logray steps forward and challenges 3PO. Luke closes his eyes and begins to concentrate.

3PO: You see, Masters; they didn't believe me. Just...

Now the litter/throne, with 3PO sitting upon it, rises from the ground. At first 3PO doesn't notice and keeps talking.

3PO: I said they wouldn't. Wha- wha- what's happening! Oh! Oh, dear! Oh!

Y/N smiles widely and tries to hold himself from laughing. The Ewoks fall back in terror from the floating throne. Now 3PO begins to spin as though he were on a revolving stool, with 3PO calling out in total panic at his situation.

3PO: Put me down! He-e-elp! Master Luke! Master L/N! R2! Somebody, somebody, help! Master Luke, R2! R2, quickly! Do something, somebody! Get me down Master L/N! Oh! Ohhh!

Chief Chirpa yells orders to the cowering Ewoks. Y/N approaches the throne to fake help and after pretending, moves to stand next to Leia.

Leia: What's happening?

Y/N: Magic, Leia. Magic.

They rush up and release the bound prisoners. Luke and Han enfold Leia in a group embrace. Y/N smiles at the sight as Luke notices the spinning 3PO, with R2 beeping up at him, and slowly lowers the golden droid and the throne to the ground.

Logray orders the little droid be cut down. R2 crashes to the ground. When the Ewoks set him upright, the little droid is fighting mad.

R2 beeps a blue streak at the nearest Ewok, and begins pursuing him, finally getting close enough to zap him with an electric charge. The Ewok jumps nearly two feet in the air and runs away screaming. A small group of Ewoks surround the giant Wookiee, scratching their heads and marveling at his height.

3PO: Oh, oh, oh, oh! Thank goodness.

Luke: Thanks, 3PO.

3PO: (still shaken) I...I never knew I had it in me.

Y/N: (whispering to Han) That's because he didn't have it in him.

The two share a chuckle as Luke helps 3PO to his feet.


A glowing fire dances in the center of the spartan, low-ceilinged room, creating a kaleidoscope of shadows on the walls. Along one side, a group of ten Ewok elders flank Chief Chirpa, who sits on his throne. The Rebels sit along the walls of the hut, with 3PO between the two groups and Wicket and Teebo off to one side.

3PO is in the midst of a long, animated speech in the Ewok's squeaky native tongue. The Ewoks listen carefully and occasionally murmur comments to each other. 3PO points several times at the Rebel group and pantomimes a short history of the Galactic Civil War, mimicking the explosion and rocket sounds, imitating Imperial walkers.

Throughout the long account, certain familiar names are distinguishable in English: Princess Leia, R2, Darth Vader, Death Star, Jedi, Y/N L/N, Obi-Wan Kenobi. R2 begins beeping excitedly at 3PO.

3PO: Yes, R2. I was just coming to that.

3PO continues with: Millennium Falcon, Cloud City, Vader, Han Solo, carbonite, Sarlacc, Luke Skywalker, bringing the history up to the present time.

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