The Dead Speak

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Three TIE fighters speed towards a Star Destroyer hanging in space above a planet glinting with fire.


On Corvax Fen, in the forest of scorched iron trees on the planet's surface, small fires lick the ground and skirt around the trunks.

Kylo Ren, the Supreme Leader, now outfitted with a black metal hand and leg, both covered by his clothing, uses his lightsaber to cut down Mustafarian warriors known as the Alazmec of Winsit adorned with helmets shining with glowing yellow light to resemble eyes. He weaves through the trees as explosions pester around him and his militia.

His face covered in dirt and rage he cuts down another warrior with little to no effort. Stormtroopers evade native warriors and take them down with a blaster shot each. Kylo Ren runs straight to a warrior, slamming it to the ground, pushing further and forcing his hand through the creature's chest.

Rising, he flourishes his blade and, sliding backwards, he spreads a small ground fire as he thrusts his lightsaber through an Alazmec behind him. Using the Force, he draws a guard to him and dispatches it before tearing off another's right arm. Eventually, he stops, breathing heavily. All of the Alazmeca are dead.

He turns and wipes some of the sweat from his brow and the dirt from his mouth. Moving towards his goal, Kylo then pushes the lid of a tomb the warriors had been protecting. He pulls a triangular device out of it. The Sith Wayfinder has been found.

Disembodied whispering, almost like the wind flows around him. Holding it tightly in his grasp, Kylo stares deeply into the small pyramid.


In his silencer, Kylo races through the black reaches of space and into a glowing red fog. The TIE bullets through the twisting substance, moving around him like blood in water.

The wayfinder is linked up to his interceptor with wires and cables.

With a burst, the ship has exited through the rift of red and out in front of a planet. It speeds towards the crackling blue surface. As he enters the atmosphere, Kylo can only see clouds and lightning through the window.


A Sith temple comes into his view, shrouded in darkness and lightning. He lands and Ren leaves his ship, draws his lightsaber and activates it as he walks to the temple's opening. Lightning bursts on the powder covered stone ground of the planet.

As he enters, all goes black. A hexagonal platform is lowered down into the catacombs of the planet. His almost broken, red fiery lightsaber is the only light around. The platform lowers through the silent lightning.

An evil, unfamiliar, ominous voice fills the air. It sounds like nails on a chalkboard, like someone was forced to swallow stones.

Voice: At last...

Ren seems uneasy. He walks through the darkness. Lightning shows the room is filled with gigantic statues of old Sith leaders.

Voice: Snoke... trained you well...

Kylo Ren: I killed Snoke. I'll kill you.

Voice: My boy... I was Snoke... Though if you wish to call me that, I will not stop you...

Ren stops in his tracks.

Voice: I have been every voice.... (Snoke) have ever heard... (as Darth Vader) ...inside your head.

As Darth Vader's robotic hissing vanishes, Ren stumbles upon a different part of the ruins. Sith acolytes are connecting wires to a tank, which contains mangled bodies, several mutilated copies of Snoke. Kylo passes it, coming closer and closer to where the voice is coming from. The voice reverts back into its natural, blood curdling growl.

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