The Teacher

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Further and further the republic fleet crawls along. The First Order's canon fire barely glances off of the rear shields. A small object jettisons from the side of the ship, immediately jumping into hyperspace.


In the control center of the bridge, Holdo notices a radar ping on a nearby console.

Admiral Holdo: What was that?

Kaydel Ko Connix: Nothing, Admiral. Passing debris.

She looks over to her left and nods to Poe. He turns and walks away, out of the bridge.


The object that jumped to hyperspace, being Y/N and Finn's ship, shoots through the bluish tunnel. Finn looks at a readout on a monitor and starts to worry.

Finn: The fleet's only got 18 hours of fuel left. We gotta hurry.


Rey walks into the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon, wearing a cloak, with Chewie at the helm.

Rey: Still can't reach the Resistance?

Chewie growls a "no".

Rey: Keep at it. If you get through, check their status. And ask about Finn.

A porg chitters from his shoulder as Chewie lets out an annoyed groan. More porgs can be seen tearing up the seats and chewing through wires on the ship's console. Chewie roars and throws up his hands in frustration. Porgs chirp all throughout the ship, now nesting in it.

Rey exits the cockpit and the ship, walking down the ramp and out to the nearby cliff. Water spits from the sea. She shivers at the cold and stares out upon the stony gray span of the endless sea.


Kylo Ren looks over construction in his first order ship's hangar bay. Sparks fly around him as he surveys from the sleek black room he's in. He blinks and looks over.


Rey's smile slowly fades as she feels another presence.

Ren turns around to face her. All of the sound in their respective locations is cut off. It's just them. Rey shudders at the sight of him.

Kylo Ren: Why is the Force connecting us? You and I.

Rey: Murderous snake. You're too late. You lost. I found Skywalker.

Kylo Ren: Did he tell you what happened?

Ren steps forward.

Kylo Ren: The night I destroyed his temple, did he tell you why? Did L/N tell you about what he did?

Rey: I know everything I need to know about you.

Kylo Ren: You do?

He steps forward again, leering straight through her soul.

Kylo Ren: Ah, you do. You have that look in your eyes. From the forest. When you called me a monster.

Rey: You are a monster.

Shadows cover his face as he hardens his expression.

Kylo Ren: (evil whisper) Yes, I am.

The two stare deep into each other as the waves continue crashing down on her as she stands still, holding her breath.

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