The In-Laws

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Y/N and Padme made their way down the steps and into the home of her parents, Jobal and Ruwee. Y/N still struggled with the especially heavy bags and Padme walked in front, uninhibited by anything.

They made it to the front door as Padme knocked and waited. There was audible scrambling inside as a couple of people made their way to the door.

The door opens as Padme's parents greet her with a tight hug.

Ruwee: Honey how have you been? We missed you.

Padme: I've been alright, dad. I'm alright.

Her parents notice Y/N over to the side, struggling to hold their bags and Ruwee gives him a light wave. He reciprocates but as a direct result of that, the bags tumble out of his hands and he collapses with them, his knees buckling.

He just lays there facedown for a while and then lets out an annoyed huff.

Jobal: Shouldn't we... help him?

Padme looks over at her husband in disregard and back to her parents.

Padme: Nah he's fine. Just being childish.

Y/N gets up from his heap and yet again lifts the heavy ass bag and responds

Y/N: I am not childish. These bags are very heavy.

He greets her parents properly and enters the home, headed straight for the bedrooms where they'd be staying for the night. He launches the bags onto the bed and lets out a shout of relief.

He walks back into the den where the rest of the family is staying. Sola is also there, Padme's sister. She rises to greet Y/N with a hug and turns to Padme, flashing a cheeky grin which Padme ignores.

Ruwee: So honey, you say you're alright, but your bodyguard is here again. Are you sure that nothing is wrong?

Padme: I'm fine Ruwee. Don't worry about it. He's not my bodyguard right now.

Sola: Does that mean-

Padme: No.

Sola lets out a dejected sigh and plops down in a seat.

Jobal: So what brings you home dear? Make no mistake, we're glad to have you home, but you only usually come back when something drastic is happening.

Y/N nods his head and flashes a playful smirk.

Padme: Well mother, actually. I do have some news...

Everyone is on the edge of their seats, awaiting the reveal, well except for the two who know, obviously.

Padme: I'm... well... I'm pregnant.

Her family lets out a gasp of surprise before getting up and embracing her

Jobal: That's amazing honey!

Ruwee: I'm gonna be a grandpa again!

Sola: That's fantastic news, Padme!

They release the embrace as Y/N continues to fiddle with his fingernails in another part of the room. The rest of the family sits down.

Sola: So sis, who's the father?

Jobal: Yeah! Is it someone we know?

Ruwee: Is he someone I would approve of!

Padme processes the questions.

Padme: Can't tell you, yes, I'm sure you'd love him Dad. He's my husband too!

Jobal: When did you get married??

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