Shield Generator

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Two speeder bikes chase Ewoks through the underbrush. As the scouts round a tree, they are knocked off their bikes by a vine tied between two trees.


The Falcon and other Rebel fighters are engaged in a ferocious combat with Imperial TIE fighters, the battle raging around the cruisers of the Rebel armada.

Lando is in radio communication with the pilots of the other Rebel squads.

Lando: Watch yourself, Wedge! Three from above!

Wedge: Red Three, Red Two, pull in!

Red Two: Got it!

Red Three: Three of them coming in, twenty degrees!

Wedge: Cut to the left! I'll take the leader! They're heading for the medical frigate.

Lando steers the Falcon through a complete flip, as his crew fires at the TIEs from the belly guns.

Navigator: Pressure's steady.

The copilot Nien Nunb chatters an observation.

Lando: Only the fighters are attacking. I wonder what those Star Destroyers are waiting for.


The giant Imperial Star Destroyer waits silently some distance from the battle. The Emperor's huge Super Star Destroyer rests in the middle of the fleet.

Admiral Piett and two fleet Commanders watch the battle at the huge window of the Super Star Destroyer bridge.

Commander: We're in attack position now, sir.

Piett: Hold here.

Commander: We're not going to attack?

Piett: I have my orders from the Emperor himself. He has something special planned for them. We only need to keep them from escaping.


The Emperor, and Vader watch the aerial battle fireworks out the window and on the view screens as Luke looks across the chasm in horror. Another Rebel ship explodes against the protective shield.

Emperor: As you can see, my young apprentice, your friends have failed. Your father can not save you. Now witness the firepower of this fully armed and operational battle station. (into comlink) Fire at will, Commander.

Luke, in shock, looks out across the surface of the Death Star to the Rebel fleet beyond.


Controllers pull back on several switches. Commander Jerjerrod stands over them.

Jerjerrod: Fire!


A button is pressed, which switches on a panel of lights. A hooded Imperial soldier reaches overhead and pulls a lever. A huge beam of light emanates from a long shaft. Two stormtroopers stand to one side at a control panel.

The giant laser dish on the completed half of the Death Star begins to glow; Then a powerful beam shoots out toward the aerial battle.

The air is thick with giant ships. In among them, Rebel X-wings dogfight with Imperial TIE fighters. Now an enormous Rebel cruiser is hit by the Death Star beam and is blown to dust.

The Millennium Falcon roars, followed closely by several TIE fighters.

The ship is buffeted by the tremendous explosion of the Rebel cruiser. Lando and his copilot are stunned by the sight of the Death Star firepower.

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