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Anakin's Jedi Starfighter heads for the hazy blood-red planet of Mustafar. He flies over the volcanoes of Mustafar and lands his Jedi Starfighter on a complex of Landing Platforms. His cockpit opens as R2-D2 pops from the ship with a happy beep.

Anakin: R2... stay with the ship.

R2 lets out a sad little beep and moves back toward the ship. Anakin, putting on his hood, walks across a walkway upon arriving on Mustafar.

Anakin appears in the doorway of the control center.

Nute Gunray: Welcome, Lord Vader. We've been expecting you.

Everyone in the room looks to him as he raises his hand toward a control panel, and all the exits close. The confused separatists look around in bewilderment.

Anakin ignites his lightsaber, Nute and the others panic. The droids at the controls and the guards grab their weapons, but it is too late. They are cut down in a flash. The Separatists bang on the doors, and Nute and Rune Haako flee under a table.

Stone-faced, Anakin moves through the room like the grim reaper. Bodies drop everywhere. Screams are cut short as the head of the Banking Clan dies.

Then Poggle the Lesser loses his head; Wat Tambor, Shu Mai, and the Rest of the Separatists run into the conference room.

After everyone in the Main Control Room is dead, Anakin moves to the small conference room where Wat Tambor, Shu Mai, and some others are hiding. Rune Haako tries to run but is trapped by a dead-end as Anakin advances.

Rune Haako: Stop! Enough, this is not right!

Rune is cut down. Nute Gunray crawls out from under the table and opens the Main Door, allowing Destroyer Droids to enter. Wat Tambor is cut down, along with Shu Mai.

The droids appear in the doorway and blast away, causing total destruction. When the firing is over, Anakin is gone. Blown away?

No. Anakin drops from the ceiling behind the two and cuts them to pieces before they know what hit them. Nute Gunray is the last Separatist leader alive. Anakin moves on to find Nute Gunray hiding in an alcove.

Nute Gunray: The war is over. Lord Sidious promised us peace.

Anakin: There was an error in communication. He promised you'd be in pieces.

Nute Gunray is cut down, terrified.


A DC0052 Intergalactic Speeder pulls up to the veranda landing of Padme's apartment.

The cockpit of the sleek yellow Galactic Speeder opens, and a pair of hooded figures emerge and walks onto the veranda. An alarm goes off deep in the apartment. The figures stop before a security curtain that protects the veranda. C-3PO enters the veranda and approaches the pair.

C-3PO: Master Kenobi, Master L/N. Come in, quickly. She needs your help!

The security curtain disappears, and the figures lift their hoods. It is Obi-Wan and Y/N. The alarm stops sounding.

Obi-Wan: Has Anakin been here... ?

C-3PO: Yes... right after the attack on the Jedi Temple.

Y/N hurried into the room. Padme is nowhere to be seen.

Y/N: Padme!

C-3PO: Lady Padme is dying.

Y/N: Where is she?!

C-3PO: I carried her to her room.

The master Jedi waste no time in rushing the Senator's room. Y/N all but kicks the door down and spots Padme's still form on the bed. Her baby bump is noticeable from here.

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