Starkiller Base

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The Trooper Guard drops his weapon without turning back. Rey hears the gun fall. She's incredulous. The guard has left the cell with its door open.

Rey, in absolute disbelief, moves quickly out of the room.


Kylo Ren enters the empty cell. He immediately understands what has gone down.

Kylo Ren: NO!

Enraged, he rips out his saber and begins going off on the room. In the empty corridor you can only hear the horrible sounds of destruction and Ren's yelling. A few pieces of red hot debris bounces into the corridor.

Two Stormtroopers, crossing at the far end of the hall, stop abruptly, reconsidering their life choices as Ren calls out for guards. They turn and retreat without hesitation.


Workers toil away at their controls. Vast snowy landscape can be seen outside. Their gauges rise as the weapon slowly begins to charge.

General Hux: Begin charging the weapon!

Starkiller Technician: Yes, sir. Weapon charging.


A massive solarvac array surrounds a port about ten miles in diameter. Millions of panels turn on the array with a wave of brilliant reflections. Suddenly, like a planetary scale Tesla coil line of energy, the power of the nearby sun begins to travel down to Starkiller base.


Finn, now a member of the inner circle of the Resistance, is huddled with the group around the map table, which displays a hologram of a rolling view of the surface of Starkiller base. With Finn are Han, Y/N, Leia, Poe, C-3PO, Statura, Ackbar, Brance, Snap, Major Ematt, Nien Nunb, and others. An urgent, messy strategy session 

Leia: The scan data from Snap's reconnaissance flight confirms Finn's report.

Snap: They've somehow created a hyper lightspeed weapon built within the planet itself.

Brance: A laser cannon?

Snap: We're not sure how to describe a weapon of this scale.

Major Ematt: (horrible memories) It's another Death Star.

Poe: I wish that were the case, Major.

Poe hits another control. A wireframe image of the death star appears.

Poe: This was the Death Star.

Poe hits another control. The Death Star shrinks and shrinks and shrinks. The surface of Starkiller base is drawn into a larger image showing the entire base, in all of its sheer planetary size. The Death Star is nothing but a miniscule hunk of metal in comparison.

Poe: This is Starkiller Base.

This is news to many here, and they're stunned.

Han: So, it's big.

Admiral Ackbar: How is it possible to power a weapon of this size?

Finn: It uses the power of the sun. As the weapon is charged, the sun is drained until it disappears.

An officer runs up, hands Leia a datacard.

Leia: (eyes on datacard) The First Order. They're charging the weapon again, now. (heart sinking) Our system is the next target.

C-3PO: Oh my. Without the Republic fleet, we're doomed.

They all react to this horrible news.

Y/N: Alright, how can we blow it up? (all eyes on him) There's usually some way to do that. Right?

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