A New Lesson

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Night has fallen now on the island. Luke stands in the shadow of the cave for a moment, before stepping out into the silver wisps of moonlight spraying out across the stone outcropping. He walks up and gently places both hands on the seat Rey was sitting earlier.

He feels the tingling on his fingers as his nose scrunches up in concentration. The metal engraving filled with water in the center of the room starts vibrating and ringing.


Inside of her hospital pod, Leia rests, still recovering from the cold grip of space. The graphs and charts on her pod start to flash. They blink red and beep rapidly.


Luke's face is wrinkled and old but now there is a familiar air about him. As if he got an old part of him back.


Leia's monitors continue beeping.

Luke's eyes widen as he hears his sister's voice.

Leia: (whisper) Luke.

His breathing hastens as he has found her.

Luke: Leia.


Y/N shoots up from his bed, sensing his son and daughter speaking to each other. He stands up, puts on his jacket and shoes, stepping out into the quiet night, running up to the top of the mountain, unaware that Luke has already vacated the area.


On another part of the island, Rey walks down a path, before a buzzing takes over her mind and she senses another presence.

Rey: I'd rather not do this now.

Kylo Ren: Yeah, me too.

Rey looks down at her feet and takes a deep inhale of breath before turning.

Rey: Why did you hate your father?

On his end, Kylo Ren turns to her. He is not wearing a shirt, his broad shoulders and scarred chest out there for the galaxy to see.

She stutters in her words before looking away once more.

Rey: Do you have something, a cowl or something you can put on?

Ren only stares at her with a blank expression. Rey sighs loudly before meeting his eyes again.

Rey: Why did you hate your father? Give me an honest answer.

He steps forward. Rey's voice breaks.

Rey: (breaking) You had a father who loved you, he gave a damn about you.

Kylo Ren: (monotone) I didn't hate him.

Rey: Then why?

Kylo Ren: Why, what?

Tears stain her cheeks as she gathers her thoughts and her staggered breath.

Kylo Ren: Why, what? Say it.

Rey: (cracking) Why did you... Why did you kill him?

She chokes out a sob for the man she idolized.

Rey: I don't understand.

Kylo Ren: No? Your parents threw you away like garbage.

Rey: They didn't!

Kylo Ren: They did. But you can't stop needing them. It's your greatest weakness. Looking for them everywhere.... in Han Solo.... now in Skywalker... Even in L/N. Did they tell you what happened that night? Has L/N told you how he abandoned me when I needed him the most!?

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