Interlude I Chapter IV

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In the middle of space, the Millenium Falcon jumps into Hyperspace, and pops out near an icy planet. Inside, Y/N talks to Han Solo and Chewbacca. His hair is now cleaner around the edges and his beard is slightly grayer but trimmed.

Y/N: Just enter the atmosphere and I'll tell you where we need to be.

Han: I don't really know why we're here of all places. I've never even heard of this planet before. Does it have a name?

Y/N: It's called Ilum.

Han: So why are we here again?

Y/N: That doesn't matter Han. I needed transportation and you owe me from the things I've done for you so far. This is one favor in a long line of ideas I have.

Han: Alright fine. Just don't take too long. Take this commlink in case anything goes wrong.

Y/N accepts the offering and takes the comm-link. He stands up and exits the cockpit, going down the ramp of the falcon and onto the icy blue planet of Ilum.

Y/N: Damn... Why is it so cold out here?

He shivers and rubs his arms. He slows his breathing and his heart rate, conditioning his body, and slowly but surely feeling warmer. He takes a deep long breath and exhales out the icy wind, leaving a cloud of fog from his mouth.

He sets off and starts walking down the snowing runway like path, away from the Millenium falcon. Y/N walks all the way up to the icy wall. He had been here before, for his other lightsabers.

Y/N: Man. Those were the days huh? I had just lost my hand and I had to come here and get used to it. All the while searching for a Kyber crystal which I didn't know if I would find. Ah it's good to be back.

Y/N plants his hand on the ice wall and runs it along the side, until he finds a firm groove that his hand or foot can go into. He places his hands in and jumps, finding the next groove and moving up a level. He keeps jumping until he reaches the ceiling of the ice shelf.

He slides along the elongated groove, slowly but surely moving along the cracks in the wall, making his way over to the raised ice to his left. Once he reaches the edge of the ice groove he notices an issue. There is a large chasm between him and the next platform.

Y/N takes a few deep breaths and channels the force into his arms and legs. A few more deep long breaths and he kicks off of the wall. His arms swing trying to propel himself and his legs doing the same.

Y/N: I'm gonna make it!

He starts descending faster than he should be. His jacket flutters in the air behind him as he starts panicking.

Y/N: Oh no.

He nears the ice wall and is still falling.


He manages to clamp his hand into the ice wall and create his own groove. He slides further down the ice wall and finally comes to a stop, about ten feet below where he wants to be. He dangles over a chasm with his hand being the only thing keeping him from plummeting to his doom. He begins climbing and eventually makes his way up to the sheer cliff and finally reaches the top.

Y/N huffs in exhaustion with his hands on his knees, doubled over in nervousness as well.

Y/N: That was awful.

Han: (comm) You okay there old man? That didn't sound good.

Y/N: Don't call me old man. I may be old but I don't like being called out on it.

Han: (comm) Whatever gramps. Are you good?

Y/N: Yeah I'm fine Han. I just took a gamble that didn't work. And then I got myself out of it.

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