Limited Power (Episode VI Finale)

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Han, Chewie, and several troops rush into the control room and plant explosive charges on the control panels and rush out.

Han: Throw me another charge.


Vader stalks the low-ceilinged area on the level below the throne, searching for Luke in the semi-darkness, his lightsaber held ready.

Vader: You cannot hide forever, Luke.

Luke: I will not fight you.

Vader: Give yourself to the dark side. It is the only way you can save your friends. Yes, your thoughts betray you. Your feelings for them are strong. Especially for...

Vader stops and senses something. Luke shuts his eyes tightly, in anguish.

Vader: Sister! So... you have a twin sister. Your feelings have now betrayed her, too. Your father and Obi-Wan were wise to hide her from me. Now their failure is complete. If you will not turn to the dark side, then perhaps she will.

Luke looks on in stunned silence as rage fills every vein of his body. He ignites his lightsaber and screams in anger, rushing at Vader with a frenzy no one has seen before.

Sparks fly as Luke and Vader fight in the cramped area. Luke's hatred forces Vader to retreat out of the low area and across a bridge overlooking a vast elevator shaft. Each stroke of Luke's sword drives his father further toward defeat.

The Dark Lord is knocked to his knees, and as he raises his sword to block another onslaught, Luke slashes Vader's right hand off at the wrist, causing metal and electronic parts to fly from the mechanical stump.

Vader's sword clatters uselessly away, over towards the throne of the Emperor. Luke moves over Vader and holds the blade of his sword to the Dark Lord's throat. The Emperor watches with uncontrollable, pleased agitation.

Emperor: Good! Your hate has made you powerful. Now, fulfill your destiny and take Vader's place at my side!

Luke looks at his uncle's mechanical hand, then to his own mechanical, black-gloved hand, and realizes how much he is becoming like him. He makes the decision for which he has spent a lifetime in preparation. Luke steps back and hurls his lightsaber away.

Luke: Never! I'll never turn to the dark side. You've failed, Your Highness. I am a Jedi, like my father before me.

The Emperor's glee turns to rage.

Emperor: So be it... Jedi.


Han and several of the fighters run out of the bunker and race across the clearing.

Han: Move! Move!

A shock wave knocks them flat as the bunker explodes, followed by a spectacular display as the huge shield-generator radar dish explodes along with the bunker.


Ackbar, sitting in his control chair, speaks into the radio.

Ackbar: The shield is down! Commence attack on the Death Star's main reactor.

Lando: We're on our way. Red Group, Gold Group, all fighters follow me. (laughs) Told you they'd do it!

The Falcon, followed by several smaller Rebel fighters, heads toward the unfinished superstructure of the Death Star.


Luke stands still, as the Emperor reaches the bottom of the stairs. The Emperor's laughter has turned to anger. He raises his arms toward Luke.

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