New Plan

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The ships of the republic fleet continue to flee as the First Order pelts their shields with more canon fire. Inside the control ship, a meeting is being held.

Larma D'acy: General Organa... Leia... is unconscious but recovering. That's the only good news I have. Admiral Ackbar... all our leadership, they're gone.

There is a collective gasping and murmuring that breaks out among the people within the bridge.

Larma D'acy: Leia was the sole survivor on the bridge.

C-3PO: Oh, dear, oh, dear.

Larma D'acy: If she were here, she'd say save your sorrow for after the fight. And to that end... The chain of command is clear as to who should take her place. Vice Admiral Holdo... of the cruiser Ninka.

Poe shifts uncomfortably in his seat as the admiral makes herself known. Holdo steps up and stands, unsure with her hands clasped together in front of her new subordinates.

Admiral Holdo: Thank you, Commander.

She surveys the many uncertain and solemn faces sitting and standing in front of her.

Admiral Holdo: Four hundred of us... on three ships. We're the very last of the Resistance. But we're not alone. In every corner of the galaxy... the downtrodden and oppressed know our symbol... and they put their hope in it. We are the spark that will ignite the fire that will restore the Republic. That spark... this resistance must survive. That is our mission. Now, to your stations. And may the Force be with us.

With Holdo's final word the crowd lets out a collective sigh and breath of stress. They all start to chatter among themselves and get up to attend to their stations. Poe turns to one of his fellow pilots.

Poe: That's Admiral Holdo? Battle of Chyron Belt, Admiral Holdo?

The alien pilot responds with his language and a shrug of his shoulders.

Poe: Not what I expected.

Poe stands and the pilot watches him and mumbles something as Dameron travels over to Holdo.

Poe: Vice Admiral? Commander Dameron. With our current fuel consumption... there is a very limited amount of time... That we will stay out of range of those Star Destroyers.

Admiral Holdo: Very kind to make me aware. (checks readout) Let's get me those fuel projections.

Poe: And we need to shake them before we find a new base, so... What's our plan?

Holdo looks at him sharply and begins to walk away from him.while others in the background attend to their duties.

Admiral Holdo: Our plan, captain? Not commander, right? Wasn't it Leia's last official act to demote you? For your dreadnought plan... Where we lost our entire bombing fleet?

Holdo turns away and moves to the window as Poe follows with a shameful look on his face.

Poe: "Captain." "Commander." You can call me whatever you like. I just want to know what's going on.

Admiral Holdo: (fake smile) Of course you do. I understand. I've dealt with plenty of trigger happy flyboys like you... You are impulsive. Dangerous. And the last thing we need right now. So stick to your post... and follow my orders.

Female P.A. Announcer: Turbo-lifts seven and eight disconnected for maintenance.

Poe: If I may ask, admiral, wouldn't General L/N be next in command?

Admiral Holdo: (sighing) Normally, yes, but the general says that he is too overwhelmed at the moment to properly command.

Poe nods solemnly and moves away.

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