Interlude II Chapter I

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Not long after the final battle of Endor, a trio waits to board a star ship from the forest moon. The blockade runner had many people bustling inside like any given day, although for this, this was a time of peace so there was much less tense energy going around.

The second death star was destroyed and the emperor... was defeated. The evil sith lord, Darth Vader, was redeemed in the eyes of those he was once close with.

The Jedi Masters, Luke Skywalker, and Y/N L/N were only a few of the heroes. Princess Leia Organa, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Lando Calrissian, and many others were honored for their roles in defeating the tyrannical empire, as well as freeing the galaxy from its cold metal clutches.

Back to the forest moon, the Alderinian vessel was waiting for its trio of passengers, those being Y/N L/N, Leia Organa, and the legendary Luke Skywalker. The group made their ways down the grassy slopes towards the ship as they appeared to be in deep conversation.

Y/N: I'm just saying, a metal hand is always very convenient.

Leia: Yeah, but it must have hurt having it removed right?

Y/N: Oh it hurts like nobody's business.

Leia: But, father-

She stops, surprised at herself. They walk in a loose silence for a few paces before Luke clears his throat with a sly grin on his face.

Luke: This is awkward.

Y/N: Believe me, it couldn't be more weird for you than for me. (clears throat) Anyway, yeah. It hurts like nobody's business. But I will say, the pros of these things vastly outweigh the cons. Luke, yours might have come with a fake layer of skin, but mine is just about everything proof. I think I have the upper hand.

Luke: (chuckling) Whatever you say father.

Y/N: (shuddering) Please, just call me Y/N. This whole "father" thing just doesn't sit right.

Leia: But you are our father no?

Y/N: I'm pretty sure I am, but it still feels weird.

Luke: Well whatever makes you comfortable, Y/N.

Y/N: Thank you. (looks ahead) Right up there. Go on in the ship.

Leia: You still haven't told us where we're going.

Y/N: Well that would ruin the surprise wouldn't it?

Luke: You know I don't like surprises.

Y/N: Yeah? Well I do, so suck it up buttercup. Get in there.

He slaps Luke on the back and they all cross the gangplank into the blockade runner, and take their seats. Y/N walks over to the pilots and crew and whispers to them.

Y/N: Set a course for Naboo. Tell them nothing, got it?

The crew nods at him and the ship lifts off the ground, and takes off into space, shortly thereafter shooting off to hyperspace in a blink. Y/N joins his children by the seats. He groans as he sits opposite them. The three look at each other with smiles of admiration.

Leia: Are you sure you can't tell us where we're going?

Y/N: Positive. My lips are sealed.

Luke: Are you sure?

Y/N: You will get nothing out of me. I am unbreakable.

Luke and Leia look at each other with smirks and back to Y/N.

Luke: If you say so.

Y/N: I do say so.

The twins proceed to relentlessly ask him pointless questions, one after the other. Y/N watched in amusement as they never faltered once. But the twins were more amazed that Y/N never once wavered on his stance of not telling them. They were sure this plan would work.

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