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Mace and the Jedi Agen Kolar, Kit Fisto, and Saesee Tiin are preparing to board a Jedi gunship to the Chancellor's office. Anakin enters the hangar.

Anakin: Master Windu, I must talk to you.

Mace Windu: What is it, Skywalker? We are in a hurry. We have just received word that Master Kenobi and Master L/N are on Grievous' tail. We're on our way to make sure the Chancellor returns emergency powers back to the Senate as soon as the conflict ends.

Anakin: He won't give up his power. I've just learned a terrible truth. I think Chancellor Palpatine is a Sith Lord.

Mace Windu: A Sith Lord?

Anakin: Yes. The one we have been looking for.

Mace Windu: How do you know this?

Anakin: He knows the ways of the Force. He has been trained to use the dark side.

Mace Windu: Are you sure?

Anakin: Absolutely.

Mace Windu: Then our worst fears have been realized. We must move quickly if the Jedi Order is to survive.

Anakin: Master, the Chancellor is very powerful. You will need my help if you are going to arrest him.

Mace Windu: For your own good, stay out of this affair. I sense a great deal of confusion in you, young Skywalker. There is much fear that clouds your judgment.

Anakin: I must go, Master.

Mace Windu: No. If what you told me is true, you will have gained my trust, but for now remain here.

Anakin: Yes, Master.

Mace Windu: Wait for us in the Council Chamber until we return.

Anakin: Yes, Master.

Anakin watches as the Jedi wait in their ship.

On the ship, Mace Windu pulls out his hologram device and calls a certain Jedi.


Y/N: To what do I owe the pleasure Mace?

Mace Windu: L/N, get to the Jedi Temple as soon as you've dealt with Grievous.

Y/N: We actually just did. Take a look for yourself.

Y/N points the hologram at the charred corpse of General Grievous.

Mace: Excellent. In that case we need you back here now.

Y/N: Why's that?

Mace Windu: We have a Sith Lord in power.

Y/N: What?

Mace Windu: Your brother believes that Chancellor Palpatine has been hiding under our noses this entire time.

Y/N: Of course he is. Alright. I'm on my way Master Windu, don't leave without me.

He hangs up and rings Obi-Wan.

Y/N: Master Kenobi, Master Windu called me back. Can you handle it from here?

Obi-Wan nods his head and Y/N salutes his friend as he hops in his star ship and takes off for Coruscant.


Padme is alone in her apartment, thinking of her beloved. Anakin sits alone in the Jedi Council Chamber thinking of Padme. He considers Palpatine's words.

He always felt that Padme liked him more than his brother. Yet the two of them are together. Not himself and the Senator.

This though unsettled Anakin. He thinks there's no way that his brother would ever do that, but in Anakin's eyes, the evidence is there.

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