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Han: Y/N if you go off into this blizzard you might never come back.

Y/N: Yeah I will. Get that shelter set up. I'll see you in a bit.

Y/N suddenly disappears into the sheet of white. With a sigh, Han carries Luke to the moaning beast. Then, with a final groan, the Tauntaun expires.

Han: Not much time.

He pushes Luke's inert form against the belly of the dead beast.

Luke: (moaning) Ben... Ben...

Han: Hang on, kid.

Luke: Dagobah system...

Han ignites Luke's saber and cuts the beast from head to toe. He quickly tosses its steaming innards into the snow, then lifts Luke's inert form and stuffs him inside the carcass.

Han: (reeling from the odor) Whew...

Luke: Dagobah...

Han: This may smell bad, kid...

Luke: (moaning) Yoda...

Han: ...but it will keep you warm... til I get the shelter built. (struggling to get Luke inside the carcass) Ooh... And I thought they smelled bad... on the outside!

The wind has picked up considerably, making it difficult to move. Han removes a pack from the dead creature's back, taking out a shelter container. He begins to set up what can only be a pitiful protection against a bitter Hoth night.


Y/N makes his way through the snow, feeling his surroundings through the force, he picks up on a large life energy, hidden about fifty yards away. He huffs to himself in exasperation and continues trudging through the snow, until he reaches the inside of a cave.

The first thing he notices is the severed arm and the blood coating the cave's floor. He sniffs the air and catches a foul stench that makes him gag and scrunch his nose.

He continues on, going further and further into the cave, the foul stench growing in severity. Once he reaches the deepest parts he realizes why the smell is so bad.

The wampa is chowing down on what little remains of Luke's Tauntaun. Y/N silently gags and turns the other way.

Y/N: Whew. I've smelled better than that at a livestock fair in Mos Espa.

Y/N opens his jacket pocket, and pulls out his lightsaber. He places his finger on the switch and starts silently moving towards the giant ice creature. Silence is hard to do in a cave full of crunchy snow though.

Immediately after he took his first step, the one-armed wampa turned to look at Y/N and roared. Y/N's eyes widened as the 3 limbed beast took a swing at him. He ducked and rolled out of the way, easily evading it.

Y/N rose to his feet and ignited his amber blade and swung at the wampa, cleaving its other arm off. The beast roars in pain again, and tries to stomp on Y/N.

He proved stronger though as he managed to cleanly push the beast's foot off of him and throw the entire creature to the side. With one swift movement, Y/N flourishes his blade and the head of the wampa drops to the floor of the cave, the rest of its body shortly following.

Y/N takes a deep breath and shuts his saber off. He places it back in his pocket and leaves the cave quickly, bracing himself for the cold once more by wrapping a cloth around his mouth and nose.

Out in the dreary tundra, Han Solo has finished setting up the shelter and has laid Luke down to rest in the cot. He is standing, with his binoculars out, looking for any signs of his friend. Rapidly he sees a form emerge from the wall of snow.

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