Getting Help

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A pair of TIE fighters roar towards a magnificent planet, frozen and white. This is Starkiller Base. Or rather, what was once Ilum. A natural planet that has been hacked and modified into something sinister.

Inside of the base, there is a deep, almost soothing voice. A voice very much in control of power.

Snoke: The droid will soon be delivered to the Resistance...

Kylo Ren and General Hux in a dark space, looking upward at someone addressing them. They're in a massive and dark assembly room in a stadium arc, columns go up a long way, climbing while the light in the room comes from a hole in the ceiling.

On a platform where Supreme Leader Snoke resides. Not entirely human, at nearly twenty-five feet tall. All of him a stony gray. Old, wounded, fragile and powerful, all at the same time.

Snoke: ... Leading them to the last Jedi. If Skywalker returns, the new Jedi will rise.

General Hux: Supreme Leader, I take full responsibility for th-

Snoke: GENERAL!!

Snoke's voice reverberates through the room, all but shaking it. He rises to his fullest after the resounding shout. He towers over Ren and Hux with room to spare.

Snoke: Our strategy must now change.

General Hux: The weapon. It is ready. I believe the time has come to use it. We shall destroy the government that supports the Resistance, the Republic. Without their friends to protect them, the Resistance will be vulnerable, and we will stop them before they reach Skywalker.

Snoke considers. Almost seems to have frozen for a moment. Then he speaks.

Snoke: Go. Oversee preparations.

General Hux: Yes, Supreme Leader.

General Hux, proud, arrogant, exits. Kylo Ren watches him go. Snoke sits. A new intimacy in his voice.

Snoke: There's been an awakening. Have you felt it?

Kylo Ren: Yes.

Snoke: There's something more. The droid we seek is aboard the Millennium Falcon. In the hands of your father, Han Solo.

Kylo Ren reacts with subtle, but real, surprise.

Kylo Ren: He means nothing to me.

Snoke: Even you, master of the Knights of Ren, have never faced such a test.

Kylo Ren: (steely resolve) By the grace of your training, I will not be seduced.

Snoke: We shall see. We shall see.

A gentle, satisfied nod from Snoke, and Kylo Ren, obsessed, filled up, exits. Snoke watches him disappear, a grotesque evil smile growing as he disintegrates. Snoke has been a hologram all along.


The Falcon races through the stringy light of lightspeed.

Chaos. Between the cockpit where Han and Rey pilot and the lounge where Y/N, Chewie, and Finn reside. Alarms sound. There's problems everywhere, and in the lounge Chewie yelps while Finn nervously works to bandage his shoulder. Y/N tries to hold him down as sparks fly in the cockpit. He gets from underneath Chewie and grabs his toolkit from the wall, rushing to the room.

Han: Electrical overload!

Rey: I can fix that!

Han: The coolant's leaking!

Y/N: Transfer the auxiliary power to the secondary tank-

Han: Secondary tank, I got it!

Y/N: Glad to know you've picked up something by now Solo.

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