Rescue Operation

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The Jedi start to leave; R2 follows. The Jedi stop and turn to R2.

Anakin: R2, go back. I need you to stay with the ship.

Obi-Wan: Here, take this, and wait for orders.

Obi-Wan drops it but Y/N uses the force to float it over to R2.

Obi-Wan: Show off.

Y/N: You know it.

He smirks at the other Jedi.


In the bridge of the ship, General Grievous enters the bridge of the Trade Federation cruiser followed by his Two Bodyguards. He walks to the front of the bridge and stands in front of the Neimoidian Captain.

General Grievous: What's the situation, Captain?

Captain: Three Jedi have landed in the main hangar bay.

General Grievous: Just as Count Dooku predicted.


The brothers and Obi-Wan head for the elevator. A door opens in the hallway and four of General Grievous's Bodyguards confront the Jedi.

Bodyguard 1: General Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Y/N L/N. We've been waiting for you.

Obi-Wan: We are here to relieve you of Chancellor Palpatine, not join him.

As a dozen more Droids join the group, the Jedi ignite their lightsabers and stand back-to-back.

Obi-Wan: Anakin...

Anakin: Ready.

Obi-Wan: Y/N?

Y/N: No need to tell me twice.

Anakin and Obi-Wan use their lightsabers and cut a large circle in the floor. Y/N channels the force through both hands and throws his arms to the side, sending the Droids flying away from them, then drops into the hole himself.


The Two Jedi cut their way down several floors into a large generator room. Y/N drops down next to them. Huge Explosions outside the ship have caused several large pipes overhead to break, and fluid is spewing everywhere. The Jedi get up and turn off their lightsabers. Anakin dips his hand into the fluid and sniffs it.

Obi-Wan: Fuel. The slightest charge from our sabers will send this ship into oblivion. That's why they've stopped shooting.

Anakin: Well then, we're safe for the time being.

Y/N: Yeah safe in an enemy ship. Sure.

They run, Explosions rattle the ship, and pipes continue to burst around them, spilling more fuel into the hallway. At the far end, Six Super Battle Droids drop into the fuel. The sounds of shield doors closing and locking echo throughout the hallway. They pass several large power generators, which are topped with sparking excess power dischargers.

Anakin: They're sealing this section off.

Obi-Wan: Six Droids coming our way!

Y/N: We gotta run!

The last of the doors can be heard closing in the distance.

Anakin: Keep moving. There must be vents... This way.

They move along a wall. Anakin climbs up the side to a small vent. The fuel gets closer to the sparking dischargers.

Obi-Wan: We'll never get through that. It's too small!

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