Home at Last

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Han gives Chewie a nod to check out the ship. Chewie heads off one way, Han in another. Y/N sticks with Han, backing the old fart up. They reconvene at the center, hearing a clunking from the hatch.

The grating above lifts off, their hands up in surrender, Finn and Rey look up at Han and Y/N, who are training their blasters on them, threatening. They're terrified.

Han: Where are the others? Where's the pilot?

Rey: ...I'm the pilot...

Y/N: You? Hm.

Chewie groans out a questioning sound. Rey responds to him

Rey: No, it's true. We're the only ones on board.

Finn: You can understand that thing?

Y/N: Yeah "that thing" can understand you.

Han: And be careful, he might try to rip your arms off if you upset him. Come on outta there.

They climb up and BB-8 uses his magnetic arm to quickly pull himself out.

Han: Where'd you get this ship?

Rey: Niima Outpost.

Han: Jakku?! That junkyard?

Finn: Thank you! Junkyard!

Han: (to Y/N and Chewie) Told ya we should've double-checked the Western Reaches! (to Rey) Who had it, Ducain?

Rey: I stole it from Unkar Plutt. He stole it from the Irving Boys, who stole it from Ducain.

Han: Who stole it from me! Well, you tell him Han Solo just stole back the Millennium Falcon for good.

Y/N: I still can't believe we found her. I thought she had gotten blown up or something.

Han: This old girl would never go out like that.

Y/N: Seeing as this "old girl" barely survived the second death star, I think it could go out like a chump.

Han: Well that was Lando flying.

Y/N: That is a fair point.

Han walks away, takes in the ship: it's his again. Doesn't see that Rey is awed. His back to all of them, he smiles. Chewie responds as Han and Y/N head toward the cockpit.

Rey: This is the Millennium Falcon? You're Han Solo?

Han: I used to be.

Finn: Han Solo? The Rebellion General?

Rey: No, the smuggler!

Finn: (to Chewie) Wasn't he a war hero?!

Chewie barks a, "Yeah, I guess, kinda..." Rey calls out.

Rey: This is the ship that made the Kessel run in fourteen parsecs...!

Han enters the cockpit.

Han: Twelve! (scoffing) Fourteen.

A moment of private joy. He points at Y/N.

Han: I told you I was still a proper scoundrel. People know me as a legendary smuggler.

Y/N: Alright don't break your hip when you fall off your high bantha, Solo.

Then he sees something that annoys him.

Y/N: Oh come on! Some dirty worm-ridden sleaze bag put a compressor on the ignition line!

Han moves to the corridor.

Rey: Unkar Plutt did. I thought it was a mistake too, puts too much-

Y/N/Han/Rey: (overlapping) stress on the hyperdrive

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