Funeral (Episode I Finale)

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On Coruscant, the large, grand cruiser of the Supreme Chancellor lands in the courtyard of the main hanger. Panaka and twenty others guard Nute Gunray and Rune Haako. Obi-wan, the Queen, and her maidens stand before the Neimodians.

Padme: Now, Viceroy, you are going to have to go back to the Senate and explain all this.

Captain Panaka: I think you can kiss your Trade franchise goodbye.

The main ramp of the cruiser is lowered as Obi-Wan and Captain Panaka lead the viceroy and his assistant toward the ship.

The Grand Chancellor Palpatine and several republic guards descend the walkway, followed by Yoda and several other Jedi masters.

Chancellor Palpatine is greeted by the Queen.

Padme: Congratulations on your election, Chancellor. It is so good to see you again.

Palpatine: It's good to be home. Your boldness has saved our people, Your Majesty. It is you who should be congratulated. Together we shall bring
peace and prosperity to the Republic.

Obi-Wan greets Yoda and the other Jedi as Captain Panaka takes the Neimodians onto the cruiser.

Obi-Wan: I must speak with the council as quickly as possible.


Kenobi approaches the twelve members of the council after having passed his trials to become a Jedi Knight.

Yoda: Congratulations, Obi-Wan. You are now a Jedi Knight. No longer a padawan.

The council applauds for Kenobi as he bows and gives his thanks.

Obi-Wan: Masters I do have one request. Well, two.

Yoda: You wish to train the boys.

Obi-Wan nods his head.

Obi-Wan: Yes I do. I believe that Skywalker is the chosen one, as my master did. And believe me. It would be better to have Y/N with us than against us. The same with Anakin.

Mace Windu: No. They are both far too old. They cannot be trained. Regardless of that, the council forbids more than one padawan at the same time.

Obi-Wan: Make no mistake, Y/N will not be my padawan. I could tell how he fought the Sith, the potential he had. He was inexperienced and raw, but he held his ground against a skilled foe and survived. With minimal training, and his new hand as well, I believe he could pass these trials with ease.

The council deliberates with one another through their looks for a moment before simultaneously nodding their heads, causing Obi-Wan to smile widely and now to each before leaving the room.


Y/N is laid up in a bed, with a ventilator strapped to him and tubes feeding him nutrients, injected into his wrist. The hole in his side, surgically repaired, a scar where it once was.

His brother Anakin sits in the chair next to the bed, hoping his brother wakes up soon. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Queen Padme Amidala wait next to him.

Y/N breathes in and out slowly, several times, and flutters his eyes open.

Anakin is the first to notice and springs out of his seat to hug his elder brother.

He lands on top of him, leading to a resounding grunt of pain from Y/N.

Anakin cries into his brother's shoulder in a tight hug as Y/N begs to be freed of this torture.

Y/N: Someone please get him off of me.

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