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The Naboo Starship descends, hovers, and lands on a bluff. Y/N and Padme get out. They look down from the edge of the bluff to where the homestead is seen on the desert floor below.

Padme: Stay with the ship, R2.

R2 whistles as Y/N and Padme start down the trail toward the homestead.


C-3PO is working outside the homestead. He looks up as Y/N and Padme arrive.

C-3PO: Oh, hello. How might I be of service? A am C...

Y/N: 3PO?

C-3PO: Oh, my... Oh, my maker! Master Y/N! I knew you would return, I knew you would! And this must be Miss Padme.

Padme: Hello, 3PO.

C-3PO: Oh, my circuits! I'm so pleased to see you both!

Y/N: I've come to see my mom.

C-3PO: I think... I think... Perhaps we'd better go indoors.


Y/N, Padme and 3PO arrive in the courtyard. 3PO shuffles ahead.

C-3PO: Master Cliegg, Master Lars! Might I present two important visitors?

Owen Lars and Beru Whitesun come out into the courtyard.

Y/N: I'm Y/N L/N.

Owen: Owen Lars. This is my girlfriend, Beru.

Beru: Hello.

Padme: I'm Padme.

They all shook hands.

Owen: I guess I'm your step-brother. I had a feeling you might show up some day.

Y/N: Is my mother here?

Cliegg: No, she's not.

Cliegg Lars swings from the house on a small floating chair. One of his legs is heavily bandaged; the other is missing. He balances awkwardly and puts out a hand. Y/N shakes it.

Cliegg: Cliegg Lars. Shmi is my wife... Come on inside. We have a lot to talk about...


Beru puts several steaming cups of ardees on a tray and exits the kitchen...

Cliegg: It was just before dawn. They came out of nowhere. A hunting party of Tusken Raiders.

Cliegg, Owen, Padme and Y/N sit around the table, Beru brings the drinks in from the kitchen.

Cliegg: Your mother had gone out early, like she always did, to pick mushrooms that grow on the vaporators. From the tracks, she was about halfway home when they took her. Those Tuskens walk like men, but they're vicious, mindless monsters. Thirty of us went out after her. Four of us came back. I'd be with them, only... after I lost my leg I just couldn't ride any more... until I heal.

Cliegg grimaces, easing his throbbing leg.

Cliegg: This isn't the way I wanted to meet you, son. This isn't how your mother and I planned it. I don't want to give up on her, but she's been gone a month. There's little hope she's lasted this long.

Silence. Then suddenly Y/N stands up.

Owen: Where are you going?

Y/N: I'm going find her.

Padme: No, Y/N!

Cliegg: Your mother's dead, son. Accept it.

Y/N: I know she's still out there. And I can't sit here while she's in trouble.

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