Arena Events

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The great stadium is packed with tier upon tier of yelling Geonosians. The cart trundles to the center, where Obi-Wan and Anakin are chained to one of four upright posts that are three feet in diameter.

The cart stops. Padme and Y/N are taken down, dragged to posts, and chained to them. Y/N is in The right center. Padme pulls a wire from her clothing and places it in her mouth.

Obi-Wan: I was beginning to wonder if you had gotten my message.

Y/N: I retransmitted it as you requested, my friend. Then we decided to come and rescue you.

Obi-Wan: Good job!

Y/N: I try.

Anakin: Yeah you did a wonderful job.

Y/N: Shut up Anakin. You're the one that got caught.

Anakin: You did too!

Y/N: At least I put up a fight.

Anakin: Who says I didn't!

Y/N: Well logic dictates-

Padme: Can we not bicker right now?

Obi-Wan: I agree with the Senator.

Their arms are pulled high above their heads, and the cart drives away. There is another roar as Poggle the lesser, Count Dooku, Nute Gunray, the Fetts and dignitaries arrive in the archducal box and take their places.

Sun Fac: The felons before you have been convicted of espionage against the Sovereign System of Geonosis. Their sentence of death is to be carried out in this public arena henceforth.

The crowd roars in excitement. In the box, Poggle rises. The crowd becomes quiet.

Poggle: Let the executions begin!

The crowd goes wild.

From different gates around the arena, Four monsters are driven in. One is a Reek (bull-like), one is a Nexu (lion-like), one is an Acklay (a kind of dino-lobster). The last one is a krykna (a gross spider thing) They are driven in by Picadors carrying long spears and riding Orrays. The Picadors poke the monsters toward the center, then retire to the perimeter.

Y/N: I've got a really bad feeling about this situation.

Anakin: I think anyone with eyes would get a bad read here.

The monsters toss their heads, looking around, roaring or screeching. Then they catch sight of the four captives and start moving toward them.

Obi-Wan: Anakin, take the one to the right. I'll take the one on the left. Y/N, pick one.

Y/N: What about Padme?

Padme has used the wire she concealed to pick the lock on one of the hand restraints. She turns around and pulls herself up by the chain to the top of the post. Within a moment, she is standing on top of it, trying to pull the chain free.

Obi-Wan: She seems to be on top of things.

The Reek charges Y/N. He jumps up, and the beast hits the post hard. Y/N lands onto its back, wrapping part of his chain around its horn. The beast backs off, shaking its head angrily, which tears the chain from the post.

Obi-Wan ducks around the post as the Acklay charges. It knocks the post flat, sending Obi-Wan sprawling. The creature crunches the post between its claws, freeing the chain. Obi-Wan leaps up and runs towards one of the Picadors. The Acklay takes off after him.

Anakin evades the massive leg of the Krykna. He leaps up and attempts to jab the creature in the eye. He manages it and drops harshly to the ground as the Krykna jabs blindly at Anakin's form rolling in the dirt with its legs.

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