Battle Begins

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Leia: Well, it only takes one to sound the alarm.

Han: (with self-confident grin) Then we'll do it real quiet-like.

Leia: Why do I get the feeling that something loud is about to happen?

3PO explains what is going on between Wicket and Paploo. The Ewoks chatter a moment between themselves. Then Paploo jumps up and scampers into the underbrush.

3PO asks Wicket where Paploo went and is given a short reply.

3PO: Oh! Oh, my. Uh, Princess Leia!

Leia: Quiet.

3PO: I'm afraid our furry companion has gone and done something rather rash.

Leia: Oh, no.

Paploo has slipped out of the undergrowth near where the Imperial Scouts are lounging. He silently swings his furry ball of a body onto one of the Scout's speeder bikes and begins flipping switches at random. Suddenly, the bike's engine fires up with a tremendous roar. Paploo grins and continues flipping switches. The Scouts leap up in surprise.

Han, Leia and company watch in distress. Chewie barks.

Han: (sighs) Well there it goes. So much for our surprise attack.

The Imperial Scouts race toward Paploo just as his speeder zooms into motion. Paploo hangs on by his paws and shoots away into the forest.

Scout: Look! Over there! Stop him!

Three of the Imperial Scouts jump on their rocket bikes and speed away in pursuit. The fourth watches them go from his post at the door.

Han, Leia, and Chewie exchange delighted looks.

Han: Not bad for a little furball. There's only one left. You stay here. We'll take care of this.

Han and the Wookiee nod at each other and slip down toward the bunker. 3PO moves to stand next to Wicket and R2.

3PO: I have decided that we shall stay here.

Paploo sails through the trees, more lucky than in control. It's scary, but he loves it. When the Imperial Scouts pull within sight behind him and begin firing laser bolts, he decides he's had enough. As he rounds a tree, out of their sight, Paploo grabs a vine and swings up into the trees. A moment later, the Scouts tear under him in pursuit of the still-flying, unoccupied bike.

Han sneaks up behind the remaining Imperial Scout, taps him on the shoulder and lets the Scout chase him behind the bunker into the arms of the waiting Rebel strike team. Han returns to the front, and taps out a pattern on the bunker door's control panel.

Everyone stands out of sight, police-style, as the door opens. Han and Leia peek inside. No sign of life. The group enters the bunker silently, leaving one lookout behind.


The elevator opens. Vader, Y/N, and Luke enter the room alone. They walk across the dark space to stand before the throne, father and son side by side beneath the gaze of the Emperor. Vader bows to his Master.

Emperor: Welcome, young Skywalker. I have been expecting you. And you as well Y/N my boy. I was expecting you to be dead by now.

Y/N: Yeah well not everything goes according to plan does it Emperor?

Emperor: It appears so.

Luke peers at the hooded figure defiantly. The Emperor then looks down at Luke's binders.

Emperor: You no longer need those.

The Emperor motions ever so slightly with his finger and Luke's binders fall away, clattering to the floor. Luke looks down at his own hands, free now to reach out and grab the Emperor's neck. He does nothing. Y/N however has not been freed and simply rests there, waiting for his moment.

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