Enemy Advance

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Steam begins to build up in the chamber. Looking up through the steam, Luke sees a dark figure standing on a walkway above him. Luke holsters his gun and moves up the stairs to face Vader. He feels confident, eager to engage his enemy.

Vader: The Force is with you, young Skywalker. But you are not a Jedi yet.

Luke ignites his sword in answer. In an instant, Vader's own sword is lit. Luke lunges, but Vader repels the blow. Again Luke attacks, and the swords of the two combatants clash in battle.


Leia, Lando, and Chewie, with 3PO on his back, march along, guarded by six stormtroopers. The group reaches an intersection where Lobot and a dozen of Lando's guards stand at attention. Y/N seizes the halt in movement and drops down to the startled stormtroopers.

Y/N: Leia, Chewie, down!

They drop as Y/N ignites his blade and spins his saber in a circle, downing each of the troopers around him in what felt like an instant. He turns his saber off and stuffs it back in his pocket as the survivor rise back to their feet.

Lando: Well done. Get the bodies out of here and keep it quiet. Move.

As Lando's guards quickly march the corpses away, Lando begins to undo Chewie's binding.

Leia: What do you think you're doing?

Lando: We're getting out of here.

3PO: I knew all along it had to be a mistake.

Chewie turns on Lando and starts to choke him.

Leia: Do you think that after what you did to Han we're going to trust you?

Lando tries to free himself from Chewie.

Lando: (choking) I had no choice...

Y/N: You had a choice.

Lando: Don't kill me, I did what I had to dl. The other choice was death.

Y/N: You'd rather betray your friends?

Lando: What would you have done?

Y/N: I would have found another way! I would have died before I did what you did.

Lando: You don't know what Vader and the empire can do!

Y/N: I don't know? You think I don't... YOU don't know what the empire can do Calrissian. I've seen it and lived through it firsthand. YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ME!!

Lando: You misunderstand-

Chewie barks ferociously.

3PO: (to Chewie) What are you doing? Trust him, trust him!

Leia: Oh, we understand, don't we, Chewie? He had no choice.

Lando: I'm just trying to help...

Leia: We don't need any of your help.

Lando: (choking) H-a-a-a...

Leia: What?

3PO: It sounds like Han.

Lando: There's still a chance to save Han... I mean, at the East Platform...

Y/N: Chewie let him go.

Chewie finally releases Lando, who fights to get his breath back.

3PO: (to Lando) I'm terribly sorry about all this. After all, he's only a Wookiee.


The two guards slide Han's encased body into an opening in the side of the bounty hunter's ship. Boba Fett climbed aboard on a ladder next to the cargo hold.

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