The Legends Live (Episode VII Finale)

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Poe: All right, ground forces, lay down some fire!

As Poe says this, the manned turrets begin to spit lasers out towards the First Order assault. The blasts fire out and hit the salt covered terrain, spitting up the red soil from underneath. Few find their mark and those that do hardly affect the walkers.

From high above, TIE fighters cross into the horizon and begin their path towards the approaching Resistance speeders.


From his command ship above, Kylo Ren watches the battle with fury. Hux and the pilots observe the chaos as well. Ren turns around, trying not to snap at any moment.

General Hux: Thirteen incoming light craft. Should we hold until we clear them?

Kylo Ren: No. The Resistance is in that mine. Push through.


More TIE fighters spill out from behind the menacing walkers as they advance, slowly but steadily. The red soil flies up with each blast like blood from a wound. The TIE fighters close in on the makeshift resistance front line.

Poe: Fighters! Break off!

The speeders separate, weaving in and out of blaster fire as they make their way towards the bunker buster cannon. One speeder is gunned down and blown up as others don't have a second to mourn.

They continue to evade blaster fire, some more successful than others. The TIE rain hellfire* down on them, meaning that even a moment of hesitation could be your last ever moment.

The green blasters of the TIE beautifully contrast the red and white landscape of Crait. Poe's speeder blows along, skidding his cockpit to the ground and dragging along more red soil.

Poe: Come on! We gotta hold them til they pull up that cannon!

The fighters criss-cross back and forth, throwing up "smoke-screens" causing more stray cannonfire to spray about. The TIE charge towards the massive bunker door and drop bombs, doing no outward damage, bit rattling the resistance soldiers inside.

Soldiers in the trenches go down as more red soil takes to the sky. Turrets go up in flames and living soldiers do their best to return fire. Finn looks over and spots one of his fellow soldiers being tailed.

Finn: Hey, you've got 3 right behind you!!

The TIE fighter pilot looks at his display and aims for his target, nearly locking on. It does and begins to fire. The soldiers presses down on the accelerator and manages to evade laser fire for now.

Soldier: I can't lose 'em!!

The three TIE roar in the sky trying to gun down the enemy speeder. Another roaring is heard that becomes a clean sound of speed. The TIE are blown out of the sky one after the other after the other. The Millenium Falcon flips around and levels out, firing again and blasting another TIE from the sky.

Finn looks on in awe and whoops loudly at the sight of his friend.

Finn: Whoo!!! Yeah!!

The Falcon drops more of the now pursuing fighters in balls of fiery explosions.


Chewie groans out a large joyous cheer as he is drowned out by the numerous porgs in the cockpit. Rey sits in the gunner seat, destroying the First Order's air support one at a time.

Rey: Whoo!!! I like this!

More and more fighters go down as the Falcon approaches the First Order's front line.

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