Fight and Flight

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A giant Republic attack Cruiser looms over Coruscant and we see two Jedi Starfighters fly over it and head toward an enemy battle Cruiser.

The Jedi fighters maneuver in unison, dodging flack and enemy laser fire. R2-D2 is on Anakin's ship. R4-P17 is on Obi-Wan's ship. A giant space battle is revealed as the tiny Jedi ships continue their assault in a synchronous ballet.

Obi-Wan bounces through the flack with a frown. His ship rocks violently.

Anakin smiles as he blasts a Trade Federation droid drop fighter.

Anakin: There isn't a droid made that can out fly you, Master, and no other way to get to the Chancellor...

Y/N peeks from the seat behind Anakin. His hair is longer, his eyes more sunken in and he has a scar on his right cheek. He chimes in.

Y/N: Yeah well I for one, would like to hurry this up. These space battles give me nausea

Anakin: Of all the things that could give you problems, flying does?

Y/N: Please stop yelling. I'm gonna puke.

Anakin: You hurl in my ship again, you're dead to me.

Obi-Wan: Look out, four droids inbound...

Y/N: Anakin, that means pay attention.

Anakin: Shut up Y/N.

The two Jedi fighters swerve in unison as four Trade Federation droid drop fighters attack. After several clever moves by the Jedi, two of the Federation droid drop fighters collide with each other in a ball of flame.

Obi-Wan struggles to maintain control of his ship.

Obi-Wan: We've got to split them up.

Anakin: Break left, fly through the guns on that tower.

Y/N: Here's a bright idea, let's do something el-

Anakin cuts in a breakneck manner, cutting Y/N off and Obi-Wan flies to the left of a huge tower on a Republic Cruiser. The two droid drop fighters follow.

Obi-Wan: Easy for you to say... why am I always the bait?

Y/N: See you say that like I'm not always your bait Kenobi.

Obi-Wan: Y/N that's different.

Y/N: How is that different?!!

Anakin: Don't worry master. I'm coming around behind you.

Obi-Wan deftly maneuvers around a large Starship's superstructure, but the two droid fighters stay on his tail, blasting him with intense laser fire.

Obi-Wan: Anakin, they're all over me!

Anakin: Dead ahead! Closing... lock onto him, R2...

R2 beeps his reply as Anakin swoops in for the kill. Anakin blasts one of the droid drop fighters. It explodes.

Anakin: (laughs) We got him, R2!

Y/N: Way to go, R2, buddy!

Obi-Wan can be heard loudly sighing over the com-link.

Anakin blasts away at the second droid drop fighter as R2 Beeps an angry warning.

Anakin: I copy R2.

Obi-Wan: I'm going down on the deck.

Anakin: Good idea... I need some room to maneuver.

Y/N: Anakin can we please not almost die again?

Anakin: No promises.

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