Clone Army

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Obi-Wan walks past several glass cubicles where work is going on. He comes to an empty one and sits down in front of a console. An SP-4 Analysis droid comes to life. A tray slides out of the console.

SP-4: Place the subject for analysis on the sensor tray, please.

Obi-Wan puts the dart onto the tray, which retracts into the console. The droid activates the system, and a screen lights up in front of Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan: It's a toxic dart. I need to know where it came from and who made it.

Anakin: Why are we doing this again?

Obi-Wan: Because, Anakin, if we figure out where this is from, maybe we can find where the bounty hunter is.

Anakin processes the thought and accepts the idea.

SP-4: One moment, please.

Diagrams and data appear on the screen, scrolling past at great speed. The two watch as the screen goes blank. The tray slides out.

SP-4: Markings cannot be identified. As you can see on your screen, the subject weapon does not exist in any known culture. Probably self-made by a warrior not associated with any known society. Stand away from the sensor tray please.

Anakin: That's unfortunate.

Obi-Wan: Quiet. I thought I was free of your brother for a while, I don't need you doing it too.

Anakin puts his hands up in wordless defense.

Obi-Wan (to the droid): Excuse me? Could you try again please?

SP-4: Master Jedi, our records are very thorough. They cover eighty percent of the galaxy. If I can't tell you where it came from, nobody can.

Obi-Wan picks up the dart and looks at it, then looks at the droid.

Obi-Wan: Thanks for your assistance! I know who can identify this.

Anakin: And who might that be?

Obi-Wan: An old friend.


Obi-Wan and Anakin walk down the street. It is a pretty tough part of town. Old buildings, warehouses, beat up speeders and transporter rigs thundering past. Above, the old elevated monospeed with occasional "shiny freighters" hissing through.

Obi-Wan comes to a kind of alien diner. On the steamed-up windows it says "Dex's Diner" in alien lettering.

Anakin: This place seems sketchy.

Obi-Wan: Exactly. This is the place.


A Waitress droid is carrying plates of half-eaten food. There is a counter with stools and a line of booths along the wall by the window. A number of customers are eating. Tough looking workers, Freighter drivers, and so on. The Waitress droid looks up as the Jedi come in.

Waitress droid: Can I help ya?

Obi-Wan: We're looking for Dexter.

The Waitress droid approaches Obi-Wan.

Waitress droid: Waddya want him for?

Anakin: Don't worry. He's not in trouble. It's personal.

There is a brief pause. Then the droid goes to the open serving hatch behind the counter.

Waitress droid: Someone to see ya, honey. A couple of Jedi, by the looks of em.

Steam billows out from the kitchen hatch behind the counter as a huge head pokes through.

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