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(Mos Espa | 20 years ago)

Shmi Skywalker was making dinner in her home for herself.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door, a loud one at that, and Shmi made her way to the entrance of her hut. She opened the door and looked at her eye level. There was no one around. Shmi turned to close the door but then heard a whimpering.

She looked down and saw a small figure, in the fetal position down on the floor of the entrance. A little boy, with dry sandy skin and short dark dusty brown hair. She picked him up along with the dirty cloth he was wrapped in. He was a very small, skinny boy. He couldn't have been more than a few years old.

Shmi poured water on his body, cleaning him and washing his hair, to be free of the dust covering him from head to toe. She also sewed together some clothes from the blanket he was in.

The little boy woke up in a stupor and fell off the table he was out cold on. Shmi came back from the kitchen and moved to help the boy to his feet. He however reacted in fear and scrambled on the ground under the table.

Shmi had backed away for a second, thinking about what to do. She came up with an idea and went back to the kitchen, grabbing a serving of food. She poured a bowl of creamed womprat soup (Gross I know, but remember. She's poor af)

She placed the bowl near the table leg and watched it be snatched away with the speed of a torpedo. The sounds were coming from something that hadn't eaten in days. Shmi was concerned for the boy but would wait to ask him questions until later on.

There was an audible burp and a sigh of delight as the bowl was shot back out at her. Shmi chuckled and went to grab a glass of blue milk to give the boy something to drink.

He drank that quikly as well. Eventually, he left from under the table and just stared down Shmi, making his way out of the room and towards the door. Shmi gave chase and the boy collapsed on the way due to his lack of energy.

Shmi: Little boy are you okay?

The boy said nothing but nodded his head.

Shmi: Where were you going?

The boy tried to speak but nothing but raspy growls came out. Shmi went and grabbed something else to drink until the boy could clear his throat. He eventually responded to the question.

Boy: I was going to go home. Thank you for the food, but I don't live here. Mommy and Daddy probably miss me.

Shmi: You were unconscious on my doorstep little boy. I don't think there's much more for you with your parents. I think they may have abandoned you.

The little boy started to tear up and cry, a lot, like a baby would.

Shmi walked over to comfort the crying child. Hugging him and letting him cry on her shoulder.

The boy kept crying until he eventually fell asleep again. Shmi took him and carried him to her spare bedroom, tucking him in tight, turning off the light and leaving to prepare for the next day.

The next day, the little boy walked into Shmi's den area and saw the woman knitting him some better clothes.

Boy: Don't make me any new clothes. You should save it for the baby.

Shmi: What do you mean baby?

Boy: There's a little baby growing in you. I can see it.

Shmi: That's silly little boy. There's no way there's a baby.

Boy: Yes there is! I know it.

Shmi decided she would go to the medic's office for herself as well as bring the boy to get checked up.

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