Dinner Interrupted

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Back in the home, Qui Gon Jin, Padme and Jar Jar Binks join Anakin and Shmi Skywalker at dinner.

Qui-Gon, Anakin, Shmi, Jar Jar, and Padme are seated around a makeshift table, having dinner as the wind howls outside. Jar Jar slurps his soup rather loudly. Everyone looks at him. He turns a little brighter red.

Shmi: All slaves have transmitters placed inside their bodies somewhere.

Anakin: I've been working on a scanner to try and locate them, but no luck.

Shmi: Any attempt to escape...

Anakin: ...and they blow you up...poof!

Padme and Jar Jar are horrified.

Jar Jar: How wude.

Padme: I can't believe there is still slavery in the galaxy. The Republic's anti-slavery laws...

Shmi: The Republic doesn't exist out here...we must survive on our own.

An awkward silence. Anakin attempts to end the embarrassment.

Anakin: Have you ever seen a Podrace?

Padme shakes her head no. She notices the concern of Shmi. Jar Jar snatches some food from a bowl at the other end of the table with his tongue. Qui-Gon grabbed his tongue on the return and gives him a dirty look.

Qui-Gon: Don't, do that again

Qui-Gon let's go and turns back to the table and the conversation

Qui-Gon: They have Podracing on Malastare. Very fast, very dangerous.

Anakin: I'm the only human who can do it. I mean, besides Y/N but he says doesn't want to show me up.

Shmi chuckles at her the notion of her other son before pausing and gasping.

Padme: What's wrong?

She seemed worried.

Shmi: I just realized Y/N was out in the middle of the dunes installing moisturizers and then the sandstorm kicked up. He still isn't back.

Shmi got up from her seat and left the dining room as Anakin continued eating as if nothing was wrong.

Qui-Gon: You don't seem very concerned for your brother even though you made these sandstorms seem like such a large issue.

Anakin put down his fork and glared at Qui-Gon, almost challenging him for saying that.

Anakin: Y/N is tough. I've seen him take worse than a sandstorm and get up with a smile on his face.

Padme: What could be worse than these sandstorms?

Anakin: That's a silly question. The thing is, Y/N has a bad habit of running his mouth, and being a slave and all, Watto and the people he lends him to tend to punish him for mouthing off. That means he gets whipped and hit quite a bit. But my brother is strong. He always gets up when gets knocked down.

Padme put her hand over her mouth is shock as Qui-Gon just observed Anakin resume eating after talking about his brother in such a calm manner.

Shmi gasped as there was a sudden thud from the front of the house. The whole table besides Jar Jar got up from their seats and went to check what the noise was.

Anakin being quick was the first to get there and see his brother Y/N picking up something he knocked down.

Shmi stared sternly at her son as he picked up the mess he caused.

Shmi: Y/N you're going to be the end of me some day. What took you so long to get back from the dunes.

Y/N chuckled at his mother and noticed Anakin jogging into the room.

Y/N: Mom I can't really control how gravity works when I accidentally bump into something. Also, sand is very hard to walk through, even more so when you're tired.

Anakin ran up and hugged his brother around the waist. He smiled at it and announced out loud confusing Y/N.

Anakin: See, you guys I told you my brother would make it back no problem.

Y/N: Who could you possibly be talking to Ani?

As he spoke the other two filed into the room and Y/N spoke once again.

Y/N: Oh. That's who. I see the tall gentleman, how ya doing sir? And this beautiful young lady over here. I gotta know your name.

The statement made Padme flush at the young man's statement and caused Qui-Gon to smirk and look down at him.

Qui-Gon: It's nice to meet you Y/N, your brother has talked you up quite a bit. My name is Qui-Gon Jin, I'm a Jedi Knight and your brother offered us shelter from the storm. That's why we're here.

Anakin looked at Qui-Gon as if he knew he was a Jedi and locked his eye on his lightsaber

Padme: My name is Padme, I'm a handmaiden for the queen of Naboo.

Y/N shook both of their hands and smiled before looking at his other hand and realizing that he still wasn't wearing his shirt.

Y/N: I have no clue why I wasn't wearing it this whole time.

Y/N then squeezed the shirt and watched all of the sweat fall from the now wrung out shirt.

Y/N: Yeah nevermind. That's why I wasn't wearing it. I'll be right back, I need to clean up and change.

Padme stared off at Y/N leaving the room and then turned to Anakin

Padme: Well your brother is certainly a character, you weren't lying about that.

Anakin: Oh yeah he is. Hey Y/N wait up.

Anakin ran after his brother as Qui-Gon looked to Shmi and struck up a conversation.

Qui-Gon: You have some very interesting boys, Ms. Skywalker.

Shmi: If that isn't the truth I don't know what is.

In the other room, Y/N pulls on a new shirt just as Anakin runs into his room.

Anakin: Y/N I was showing Padme C-3PO and I figured since you know more about him you'd like to explain it to her.

Y/N: Ani, literally no one knows more about that droid than you. I could explain anything and you've probably explained it twice over.

Anakin chuckled and left the room before returning to dinner as Y/N followed right after.

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