Flight of the Falcon

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The group exits the garbage room into a dusty, unused hallway. The three men remove the Trooper suits and strap on the blaster belts.

Han: If we can just avoid any more female advice, we ought to be able to get out of here.

Luke smiles and scratches his head as he takes a blaster from Solo.

Luke: Well, let's get moving!

Y/N: Slow it down, hot shot. Can't afford to slip up right now.

Chewie begins growling and points to the hatch to the garbage room, as he runs away and then stops howling.

Han: (to Chewie) Where are you going?

The Dia Nogu bangs against the hatch and a long, slimy tentacle works its way out of the doorway searching for a victim. Han aims his pistol.

Y/N: Han wait!

Han fires at the doorway. The noise of the blast echoes relentlessly throughout the empty passageway. Luke simply shakes his head in disgust.

Han: (to Chewie) Come here, you big coward! Chewie shakes his head "no."

Han: Chewie! Come here!

Y/N: What's wrong with you?

Y/N pushed Han into a wall. The smuggler shrugs.

Leia: Listen. I don't know who you are, or where you came from, but from now on, you do as I tell you. Okay?

Han is stunned at the command of the petite young girl.

Han: Look, Your Worshipfulness, let's get one thing straight! I take orders from one person! Me!

Leia: It's a wonder you're still alive. (looking at Chewie) Will somebody get this big walking carpet out of my way?

Han watches her start away. He looks at Luke.

Han: No reward is worth this.

Y/N: I don't know man. I've dealt with worse. Women can be frightening.

Han: Like you know anything about women.

Y/N: I have a wife!

Han: Since when?

Y/N: You two have met already.

Han: Oh, her? I figured she would have ditched you by now.

Y/N: Real charming, Solo.

Han: I try.

They follow Leia, moving swiftly down the deserted corridor.


Suddenly a door behind Obi-Wan slides open and a detachment of Stormtroopers marches to the power trench. Obi-Wan instantly slips into the shadows as an Officer moves to within a few feet of him.

Officer: Secure this area until the alert is canceled.

First Trooper: Give me regular reports. All but two of the Stormtroopers leave. Do you know what's going on?

Second Trooper: Maybe it's another drill.

Obi-Wan moves around the tractor beam, watching the Stormtroopers as they turn their backs to him. Obi-Wan gestures with his hand toward them, as the troops think they hear something in the other hallway.

With the help of the Force, Obi-Wan deftly slips past the Troopers and into the main hallway.

Second Trooper: What was that?

First Trooper: Oh, it's nothing. Don't worry about it.


Y/N, Luke, Han, Chewbacca, and Leia run down an empty hallway and stop before a bay window overlooking the Falcon. Troopers are milling about the ship. Luke takes out his pocket comlink.

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