Trouble in Paradise

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Y/N stands stoically as he stares down the small battalion pointing their weapons at him. He does the same and lifts his saber, menacingly angling it at the troopers.

Y/N: I'll ask one more time. What the hell is going on here?

Still no answer, Y/N slowly approaches the nervous group, his boots pattering on the floor of the room. His saber humming along and his footsteps the only sounds in the area.

Y/N: Nothing still? I guess I'll have to beat it out of you.

He tosses his lightsaber up in the air and catches it with his left hand. He grabs it by the blade and hurls it like a throwing knife, through the head of a trooper and downs him, running to the group quickly.

He takes advantage of the stupor of the rest of the group and catches one with a left hook to the head, shattering the helmet, and killing the trooper inside.

He leaps back and shakes his hand, the leather of it having worn enough to tear wide open on impact with the head. He tears the remnants of the glove off of his left hand and reveals the rest of its shiny metal surface.

Y/N yanks his saber back to him with the force and readies for battle. The group regains their senses and they fire volleys of laser blasts at Y/N but he either deflects them all with his saber or metal hand, throwing them aside or simply freezing them in the air, with his raw ability of the force.

He closes in on the half-dozen remaining troopers and swings his lightsaber, decapitating two of them in one go. The others rise to their feet and make for the door. The one in front lunges for the control panel and he reaches it.

Or rather he would have, if Y/N didn't have all four troopers suspended in the air, unable to move.

He approaches the floating group with malicious intent. He swings his saber only a few times. Those lead to a trooper being cut in half vertically, another being sliced in quarters and the third being cut up into many, messy chunks.

He reaches the fourth trooper, who quietly whines, in fear of what could be his fate. Y/N turns his saber off and grabs the clone by the neck, suspended up in the air, his feet dangling.

Y/N: (evily) What the fuck is happening?

The trooper whimpers in fright as Y/N yells again.


The trooper continues to kick his feet and whimper. Y/N has had enough. A crack is heard as the trooper's head snaps to the side. Y/N drops the corpse and sighs.

Rapidly, even more footsteps hurry over to the door. Y/N panics, and in his haste, he decides to jump clear into the ceiling of the room. When the reinforcements enter the room, all they see are a dozen dead troopers.


Suddenly, the lights in 3PO's eyes spark to life as Chewie touches two connectors together. 3PO immediately begins to speak, but his voice is so slow and so low as to be nearly unintelligible.

3PO: Mmmm. Oh, my. Uh, I, uh - Take this off! I, uh, don't mean to intrude here. I, don't, no, no, no... Please don't get up. No!

Chewie looks at 3PO in bewilderment, then scratches his furry head. He gets an idea and adjusts some connections, whereupon 3PO immediately begins speaking normally.

3PO: Stormtroopers? Here? We're in danger. I must tell the others. Oh no! I've been shot!


Darth Vader strides through the room as two stormtroopers prepare an elaborate torture mechanism. Han is strapped to a rack which tilts forward onto the mineral scanning grid being used as a torture device. Vader activates the mechanism, creating two bursts of sparks, one of which strikes Han's face.

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